Chapter Ten

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Next Day

Percy's POV

I should have known it was coming.

And when I woke up to not only Order but Apollo in my room, I knew the day was going to be crazy.

"What, why-"

"Sorry to wake you up like this" Order said "But Apollo wanted to see you"

"Can you wait until like, after work?" I asked, as I sat up "I need to leave soon"

"You have work?" Apollo asked, making me look at him with confusion.

"What do you think I do? Sit around?" I asked "Andy might not be talking to me but at least I have finally got my shit together"

"And I am proud of you for that" Order stated.

I smiled.

"I have sensed something off with you the last couple of months and I didn't realise it was bad until I sensed both Ava and Andy lying a couple of days ago" Apollo stated "I'm sorry for not being there for you"

I laughed.

"Apollo, you're a God, it's fine" I stated "You have responsibilities"

"Good, I thought you hated me" Apollo said and then clapped his hands "Now, is there a reason why they lied? I tried to get it out of them but they didn't budge"

I sighed.

"Everyone, I mean everyone has been ignoring me the last 6 months, including my own wife" I exclaimed, making Apollo widen his eyes.

"Why?" He asked.

"That's it, I don't know" I said "At least I found someone to get me out of my depression hole before I got too deep"

"Someone?" Apollo asked, confused.

"Why is it that every time I go to your room in the morning some immortal is there?!?"

I laughed as Emily stood at the door, with her arms crossed.

"Sorry Emily, I don't mean for it to happen, it just does" I said.

Emily looked over at Order and Apollo.

"Hello Lord Order...and God I don't know" Emily said.

"Apollo pretty lad-"

I cut him off by wacking him in the face with a shadow.

"Don't talk to my daughter like that or she will kill you" I stated, making Apollo widen his eyes.

"D-Daughter?" Apollo asked, shocked.

"Emily Jackson, adopted daughter of Percy Jackson" Emily said sourly "And I would appreciate that you didn't flirt or I will make sure you will never be able to produce children again"

Apollo gulped, looking frightened.

"Wow, you trained her well Percy" Apollo joked, looking at me.

I chuckled.

"She had yelled at me as well as Andy in the last couple of weeks" Order reminded us "Emily is definitely a person without fear"

Emily chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly.

"That I didn't mean to do to you" Emily said "Andy, yes, I did mean that one"

"Are you mortal?" Apollo asked.

Emily nodded.

"Definitely am, I can see through mist obviously" Emily said.

"Obviously" I repeated in her tone, making her glare at me.

I laughed.

"I can see what she does to you, and what you do to her" Apollo said "I can sense the happiness rolling off of both of you"

I smiled.

"Now we just need Ava" Order said.

"Do we need her?" Emily said bitterly.

"Come on Emily" I said, making her sigh and roll her eyes.

"All I've heard about her is her breaking your heart" Emily said "Nothing too good at the moment"

"True, true" Apollo stated "But Ava is normally a good person, so I don't know why she would ignore you"

I sighed, unable to provide an explanation.

"I don't know, I don't know why" I expressed as I rain my hand through my hair "I'm only thinking of the worst case scenario..."

"When you think about it, it wouldn't be good for her situation even if it was the 'worse case scenario'" Order stated "Because the media will pick it up immediately and her career as a laywer will be destroyed"

Everyone just looked at him shocked.

"Well I did learn something things about the human realm from being in your body" Order stated,

"That sounds so weird, please don't say it like that" Emily said, shivering with disgust.

"I mean, its kinda the truth" I stated "Its very weird to explain it"

"And a weird experience" Order stated "Never I thought I would go from trying to destroy the universe to being in the earth's hero's body"

I flinched slightly.

"Yeah, now it sounds weird" I said, making everyone laugh.

"Do they..." I started after a 2 minute silence.

I looked down.

"Do any of them worry?" I asked "I called Kirsty who was worried for me but I'm not sure about the others"

"To be honest it was hard to read at the gathering" Apollo stated "It did feel like something was missing from there, that person being you"

"I know Jason did"

I froze upon hearing his name from Order's mouth.

Jason and I got real close after the incident, Jason didn't want to leave my side.

I am quite surprised myself that he hasn't come over demanding if I was alright.

"He asked both Andy and Ava about you as well as myself" Order said as I looked up to meet his purple eyes "I sensed his worry for you"

"What did you say to him?" I asked.

"I told him not to worry, and if you needed help, you could tell us, like you promised" Order said, making me look down.

"Yeah, forgot about that" I stated "I just thought everyone hated me and no one needed me"

"We need you" Emily said, and then laughed "Wow, déjà vu"

I chuckled.

"I guess it was" I replied "Now, you have school don't you?"

Emily nodded.

"But I can take the bus, you hang out with the weird flirty guy and the person who was inside you" she said "See ya!"

I couldn't help but laugh at Order and Apollo's faces as she walked off.

"Text me when you're at school!" I exclaimed.

"Alright I will!" She yelled as I heard the door open and close.

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