Chapter Seven

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A/N I want to address something that people might have noticed but I am going to clear it up as I just noticed as I wrote this chapter. So I said Percy's wedding might be a summer wedding...however what I am stating is that he must had had a late winter, early spring wedding as it would have been in February as this part of Percy's life is August. So I'm going to make it that they planned to make it a summer wedding but Ava couldn't wait too much longer to get married.

~Next day~

Percy's POV


I groaned as I got woken but by someone jumping on my head.

"S-Stop it!" I groaned, making the person laugh.

"You need to take me to school!"

"I'm coming Emily" I said "5 more-"

I felt the sheets get ripped off of me, making me open my eyes.

Emily was laughing at the end of my bed, with my sheets in my hand. 

I sat up, rolling my eyes as she smirked in victory.

"Okay, I'm up, let me get changed" I said as I got out my bed.

"Can't you just click your fingers and get changed?" Emily teased, making me sigh.

"Emily, please get out, I'll be there soon" I said, my voice hoarse from waking up.

She nodded and walked out, closing the door behind her. 

I sighed as I used the powers Aphrodite gave me and snapped my finger, a pair of shorts and a plain green top appeared on me. 

"Alright let's-"

"Young Perseus"

I turned to see Athena, Aphrodite and Hera standing behind me.

"Is now really the time?" I asked, "I am about to do something-"

"We know you have nothing to-"

"I do actually" I said "That is a bond assumption to make Athena"

She looked at me surprised.

"Just because my manger is ignoring me, the Greek world ignores me, doesn't mean I don't have a life" I said "There is one person that talks to me"

"That is?" Hera asked.

"You're the one who is the goddess of family, I thought you would have figured it out by now" I said.

Aphrodite squealed.

"Do you have a child?" Aphrodite asked "Is it Ava's?"

"No, it isn't Ava's" I said "I adopted because I was alone and she need me more than I needed her"

"It is a...girl?" Athena asked as the doors opened.

"Dad, come on we-"

Emily froze in the door way, confused.

"Um, who are they?" she asked, confused "And why are they here?"

"I don't know why they're here" I answered "And they are Lady Athena, Lady Hera, and Lady Aphrodite"

Emily smiled as she walked next to Percy.

"Well its nice to meet you, My name is-"

Percy covered her mouth with his hand, making Emily lick it.

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