Chapter Twenty

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Percy's POV

I was speechless.

Ava told everyone I cheated on her?

That doesn't even make sense!

"Ava said what?" I asked "I would never do that, and you know that!"

"But the facts-"

"Luna, I understand your concern for Ava as she is your friend" Nyx stated "However it seems strange that one of the most loyal people in the universe 'cheated' on his wife that he loved with all his heart and has sacrifice himself for various times"

"You know I would never do that...right?" I asked, tears still in my eyes.

I just couldn't comprehend what was happening; spreading lies about me?

I shook my head, I couldn't have fallen down again, I couldn't have let my guard down again to be betrayed again.

I slowly crouched onto the ground, my knees cracking in the process.

But why would she do this?

It won't help either of us if she even was to make that claim.

Does she want my life to be a mess again?

...well, more of a mess.

"R-Right? I would never h-hurt anyone like t-that" I stammered, trying to hold back a sob "Oh Gods, why is this happening to me again?!?"

"Calm down Luke, it's alright, we will get to the bottom of this" Nyx said softly, making me look up to her. I noticed Luna crossed armed in the corner of the room, glaring at me.

"How did this happen?" I asked softly, looking down.

"Luna knows more than myself" Nyx stated. "Luna?"

Luna sighed.

"From what I know Ava told me you cheated on her, and there was photo proof" Luna said, making me look up at her.

"Photo proof?" I asked, "What photo proof?"

"I haven't seen it myself, but apparently Clay took the photo" Luna stated.

"Well Clay would have to be lying as I haven't left the house in a very long time" I said "And plus, until Ava left I stuck to her like glue, so if something was to happen, she would know"

I looked at Nyx, who's eyes were now narrowed.

"Clay has done nothing wrong to anyone before, so why now?" Nyx asked, making me sigh.

"Mum's right, he hasn't done wrong" Luna stated "He hasn't caused trouble, I guess he was just looking out for his sister"

"But I didn't do any of that" I exclaimed as I stood up "I would never do that to Ava. I would rather die than have her feel that hurt, especially after her ex, Adrien. If I was to hurt her, I would have told everyone and the decision why"  

"Well, she's hurt isn't she anyway? You did a good job of-"

"Luke is right" Nyx stated "Luna, you did not know Ava and Luke when Ava was dealing with her abusive-ex, they have been close ever-"

"Wait, Adrien was abusive?!?" Luna exclaimed.

I sighed.

"Yes, he was" I stated "It was the second encounter I had with Ava; he broke into her apartment and tried to rape her. If I wasn't there gods know what would have happened to her"

"I thought you only hated Adrien because of his relationship with Annabeth?" Luna asked, shocked.

I shook my head.

"I gave him heaps of chances, but what he did to Ava was the last straw" I exclaimed.

"Luke" Nyx stated "I know that you would never do anything like that...but why would Ava and Clay lie like that?"

"I don't know!" I yelled before calming down, running my hands through my hair.

"I don't know..." I muttered.

They were both silent, looking at me.

Nyx looked worried while Luna looked like she was still processing the information.

"Whatever, it's clear Ava doesn't want to talk to me; lie or not" I stated "Just...get out please"


"Please" I exclaimed, putting my head in my hands "I just need to think"

I heard a hum in response and a popping sound.

I got my head out my hands to reveal I was alone again.

Alone in my thoughts.

Third POV - NYC

Jason was frozen in shock.

"The Percy I know would never do that to anyone, he is the loyalist person I know" Jason said sourly "Where's the proof"

"I knew you would react this way which is why I didn't want to tell you" Clay expressed worryingly "Are you sure you want me to show you? It will be a shock"

Jason nodded as Clay sighed, getting out his phone.

He searched through his phone for a few seconds before turning his phone to show Jason.

It looked to be an older photo of Percy in his Luke disguise; Percy had his brown hair, glasses and green eyes. He was kissing a girl which Jason barely recongised. She had brown hair, pale skin and was wearing a skatergirl outfit.

"Where did you get the photo?" Jason asked "It looks like an old ph-"

"I took in just after Percy and Ava's honeymoon when I was visiting Ava in L.A" Clay stated sadly "It's a shame, I really liked the guy"

"It just doesn't make sense" Jason muttered, looking at Clay "Percy would never do that"

"But he has been acting suspicious lately right?" Clay stated "He cut himself off from everyone and then this surfaces? Percy's mental health hasn't been great, who knows what he would do to protect himself"

"But he wouldn't lie like that" Jason stated "He would have gone to Ava right away if something was to happen"

"I guess it didn't work like that" Clay stated, putting his hand on Jason's shoulder.

Jason stood up from the chair, Clay's hand gracefully falling off Jason's shoulder.

"The hurt that my sister is feeling is real, and it is because of that man who is meant to be her husband" Clay stated "I know it would be hard to believe as you are one of his close friends but you got to accept the facts; Percy betrayed Ava"

Jason took a breath, and nodded.

"Thank you for informing me, I will get going" Jason stated and walked to the door.

"If you need any support, I will be here for you Jason" Clay stated as Jason got to the door.

Jason turned to the seemingly innocent Clay and nodded.

"Thank you, I just need to...process this information" Jason said and opened the door, closing it behind him.

Jason sighed as he clenched his hand into a fist with anger.

He knew Percy would never do that to Ava.

And something about Clay

He needed to tell Percy ASAP.

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