Chapter Thirty

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A/N this chapter will be long and will be going into serious issues, so be warned. I have put a context warning but if you a sensitive to this topics, please do not read this chapter.

One of the topics is in regarding to women health and what some women have to unfortunately deal with. 

The other is Emily's backstory, which will involve signs of a toxic household and abuse. 

And I will say this now, as many of you know, my name is actually Emily [long story short I forgot to change the character's Emily's name to another female or neutral name so I just stuck with it]. In no way is my household like this, and I am very fortunate for this. This is not a representation on my real life. However there are people who do go through this, so this chapter will be sensitive to those people.

I might not be accurate in writing the chapter for either of the important issues, however it does not mean I down play these issues. 

These are issues that people are going through.

And if they need help, a link to world wide hotlines are below

This chapter is going to be almost 4,000 words. I want to focus on these issues with full detail.

Enjoy the chapter,

Luvwarriorcats13 or Amber Grace

[Author's note written 23/06/2021]

Context Warning: Mentions of women's health, abuse, fire, death, abandonment, toxic parent[s], foster system [group home], bullying, PTSD 

Third POV - Jackson L.A Household

Percy and Ava just stared at Emily with shook, who was now standing their awkwardly.

"M-Maybe I shouldn't have s-said t-that" Emily stammered as Percy was now glaring at her "It was the only way for Clay to shut up about himself for once and talking bad about you!"

"You could have brought Ava in slowly, not suddenly like that" Percy expressed softly, annoyed.

"I wasn't thinking!" Emily exclaimed, mad at herself "I just wanted Clay to stop talking!"

"T-This doesn't make sense" Ava stammered, before looking over to Percy "What? H-How?"

Percy looked back at Ava and sighed.

This was not a conversation to have with her this quick into getting her back/

"Because of your..." Percy started and then stopped "...incapability to have children, I thought adopting would be the best, as we did discuss it before you left"

Ava widen her eyes, almost like a memory came over her.

"We signed papers and everything didn't we? We were going to go as soon as our honeymoon was over" She whispered, making Percy nod.


Percy walked out from the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist as he walked into the hotel room in Hawaii that Ava and him hired for their honeymoon.

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