Chapter Thirty-Nine

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~ 30 Minutes Later~

Third POV - Olympian Throne Room

"How am I allowed up here? Aren't mortals not allowed up here?" Emily asked as her, Percy and Ava walked through Olympus towards the throne room. 

"The Gods gave you permission" Percy replied as they got closer "Now, be respectful and keep quiet. My bet is that this is about Clay and the demigods who support him will be there. Don't acknowledge them, only answer to the Gods when you're spoken to"

"But don't worry, both of us will protect you and guide you along the way, the Olympians are better than they were in the past" Ava said as the three stopped in front of the doors.

Ava looked over to Percy, who looked worried.

Ava grabbed his hand, which made Percy turn to Ava.

"You're alright, Zeus promised no lighting alright?" Ava stated, making Percy nod.

Emily looked at Ava with confusion as Percy walked right up the the doors and knocked.

"A lot of his past trauma came from these beings in this room" Ava stated "He will be withdrawn so do not worry that much"

Emily nodded as the doors opened themselves, revealing the large Gods on their thrones with familiar faces mingled underneath them.

Everyone stopped and turned to the small family walking in.

Percy noticed the rest of the seven and his old band were there.

"Perseus, I am glad you can come, especially the circumstance" Zeus stated, making Percy smile faintly "Hello to you too young Ava"

When they got to the group of demigods all three of them bowed.

"It is lovely to see you Lord Zeus" Percy stated, "What was the reasoning for this meeting?"

"You will see" Zeus stated and looked at the demigods "I believe everyone is here so we can start"

Percy grabbed Emily's hand, making her smile faintly at her father.

"I have come with news from Gaia and the rulers" Zeus stated, "Clay has been put under care and will not be here for a while due to criminal charges against him"

Shocked gasps came from the demigods, Ava looked over to Percy, who looked over to her confused.

"W-What?" Piper stammered, trying to move closer to the awkward looking Jason "With what charges?"

"With charges with manipulation of demigods and the council, using his magic in a presence of a mortal and harming a primordial" Zeus replied.

"Using magic in presence of a mortal? Harming a primordial?" Hazel asked, "What happened?"

"After the last meeting, Clay went to the Jackson household in L.A" Athena stated, making everyone turn to Percy "He attacked mortal Emily who is present now and when confronted by Percy, Ava and Gaia, using his powers to harm them to isolate Emily. We were lucky another demigod was present in the home to protect the victims from further harm"

"And they told you that?" Piper seemingly snapped, pointing at the three.

Emily, slightly frightened by Piper, lent more into Percy, who narrowed his eyes at Piper.

"No, Gaia spoke to us herself" Aphrodite stated "Why is that daughter?"

"Well Percy is known to lie, as Clay had stat-"

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