Chapter Seventeen

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A/N Quick Note COVID-19 Mentions. It is in this universe, it does exist. It was in the past and will be mentioned again later in the story-line with details regarding it. 

Also Emily is in junior year (year 11) and is 16 while Thomas is also in junior year but is 17.


~One Hour Later~

Third POV

Emily and Thomas were in Percy's Studio, doing their work that was sent to them by their teachers. They were both on computers; Thomas on his laptop on the couch while Emily took Percy's desktop. 

"Hey Emily" Thomas asked, which snapped Emily out of her daze of staring blankly at the computer screen.

Emily turned in her chair to Thomas.

"Yes?" Emily asked.

"Is Mr Jackson alright?" Thomas asked, making Emily sigh.

"I don't know" Emily admitted "His mental health has been up and down these days. He had his cousin come over yesterday, one he hasn't seen in months since he lived in New York. He was there this morning. I left the kitchen for 20 minutes to have his cousin not here and Percy not looking to good"

"They must have had an argument" Thomas asked.

Emily only hummed with response.

"I don't know a lot about his family" Emily said truthfully "But I know it's fucked, my guess is that his cousin has forced to come home by their parents"

Thomas sighed, looking down at his laptop.

"He really does have a rough past" Thomas stated "No wonder why he had that 6 month break"

"It makes me worried about him" Emily confessed as she hugged herself "I've only lived with him for so long can tell he's hiding his feelings from me"

"Like a calm before the storm" Thomas exclaimed, making Emily nod.

Thomas put his laptop on the couch and stood up, smiling at Emily with comfort.

"If the time comes, we can help him together alright?" Thomas stated "If he is as alone as you have stated before, he needs all the help he can get"

Emily nodded as Thomas came over, offering his hand. Confused, Emily took his hand and she hugged him. She had the strange feeling of all her worries float away, making her clear of the anxieties and negative thoughts in her mind. 

"Thanks Thomas" Emily whispered as they got out the hug.

"You're welcome" Thomas stated "Now, my head hurts because it's not used to the computer screens like the...COVID time-"

Emily shivered, as he mentioned that.

"-so I'm going to get a glass of water, do you want one?" Thomas asked.

Emily nodded.

"Sure" she said "And don't bring up COVID again, that was two years I will never get back"

Thomas chuckled.

"At least we were in Grade Seven and Eight, not Junior and Senior year" Thomas stated as he started to walk out the room.

"True, true" Emily stated as Thomas walked out.


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