Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N Since the last chapter was shot this one is longer for you guys! 2870 words! I hope you enjoy it! 

Note: Please excuse the spelling mistakes, my spell check on my computer isn't working and it is fustrating. I'm trying to fix it as I publish this.

~The Next Day~

Third POV - Jackson's household L.A

Emily hummed as she made her and Percy breakfast.

It is 7am and Percy was getting ready for his busy day full of interviews and photoshoots, preparing for the new album and the rescheduling of the tour.

Emily is going to school today, excited as she would start her music project today.

"Percy!" Emily yelled as she put scrabbled eggs on a plate which had toast already on it "Breakfast is ready"

"Coming!" Percy exclaimed, rushing down the stairs and jogged into the kitchen.

Emily giggled at his appearance.

Percy had himself in his tracksuit pants with a dress shirt which was unbuttoned at the top. He only had one sock on and his hair was a mess.

"Could you have at least gotten ready before coming down?" Emily asked as she poured a plate for herself.

Percy grabbed the plate from next to her and walked around to the other side of the kitchen island, where he sat down on the bar stool. 

"I wanted to eat, I didn't eat lunch or dinner yest-"

"Dad!" Emily exclaimed, turning to her father figure, mad "You have to eat! No slacking!"

"Yesterday was an eventful day, I couldn't eat" Percy complained as he got into his food.

Emily giggled again, putting her plate on the kitchen bench island.

"I forgive you this time" Emily said as she used her knife and fork to eat her food "But you better not do that again"

They both finished their food quickly, both of them hungry as each other.

"That was amazing Emily, you did it again" Percy stated as her took Emily's plate and went towards the sink, where he put the water on to wash the dishes.

"Thank you" Emily replied, flattered by the compliment "That reminds me, can I ask you something?"

"Sure honey, what's up?" Percy asked as he put in the cleaning detergent in the warm water. 

"I was cleaning my room last night and I noticed a box which wasn't mine" Emily stated "I didn't want to open it as it could be yours"

"I might be mine as your room I used to store stuff in there" Percy said as he cleaned the dishes like a normal mortal "What does the box look like?"

"It's like a medium sized wooden box which had a white wash to it with a small golden clasp" Emily said, making Percy freeze.

"I might know what it is, can you bring it here?" Percy asked, making Emily nod, walking out the room.

Percy finished off the dishes, staring at the wet dishes, which dripped with water. Not bothered to dry it the normal way he used his powers to evaporate the water on the dishes, making them clean and dry. 

He put them away, curious himself to the box Emily is going to get.

Is it one of his boxes? Or is Mayla's from when she stayed here? Or is it Avas?

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