Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A/N Double update, Double update!

Yayyyy! I'm very happy these next two chapters are out.

It shall reveal a lot more about the situation.

You shall wait no longer!

Something also to note is that I will be finishing this book soon. And no, there will be no more sequels.

So if there's still something that hasn't been cleared up or you want me to make happen (like Percy and Ava's relationship and also the outcome of Thomas and Emily's blooming 'friendship')

Anyway enjoy!

[A/N made 5/06/2021]

Emily's POV

I don't know what is running through that head of his.

Frankly, most of the time it is hard to read Percy's emotions.

But I know in any set of mind, he would not offer to divorce Ava.

Ava out of all people, he would never want to hurt her.

And with tears forming in both Ava's and Percy's eyes I know there is something more to this.

After excusing myself to speak to Percy, leaving Ava in the kitchen I rushed to the one place I knew where he would be.

In his studio.

I walked up the stairs to his studio where I softly knocked on the door.

"Can I come in dad?" I asked softly, "Please let me in"

I heard a soft sob from the other side of the door, confirming that he was in there.

 The door slowly opened to reveal a puffy eyed Percy.

It broke my heart to see him like this.

He sniffled, wiping his eyes.

"Come on, let's talk about it" I said softly, making Percy nod, letting me in.

I went and sat on the couch as he closed the door.

He slowly walked towards me and sat down next to me.

He immediately went to hold his hands in his lap, sitting up very straight.

I can tell he is anxious, even without the bracelet. 

"Now, tell me why you told the love of your life to basically never talk to you again?" I asked, making Percy look down into his hands, sighing.

"It's better for her, it's safer for her" Percy answered, making me confused.

"But there are no current threats, what do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"I didn't want her to chose" Percy said softly "Between me and her brother"

I widen my eyes with realisation.

Percy knows Clay is lying to his sister to keep her away from Percy.

And he knows that Ava would have to chose between them, to find out which one is lying.

"So I know that she only recently found her brother again, a-and I know family means so much to her so I d-don't want her to loose her o-only family" Percy stammered, more tears coming down his face "S-So breaking it off with her, is the only way"

"But you can't give up like that!" I exclaimed, annoyed "That's what Clay wants, you're letting him win by doing that"

"But I don't want her to chose, and Clay would force her chose if the option came about" Percy said softly "And besides, being with me is a curse; I always hurt the ones I love. It's doing her a favour"

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