Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N sorry for the late update, I have had a pretty shit two weeks so my motivation has gone downhill like my mental health...yay...

...anyway, enjoy the chapter


~Four Hours Later~

Third POV

Emily stepped through the doors of her home, tired from her day at school. 

She was immediately overwhelmed with the smell of fresh baked cookies and loud music playing from the kitchen.

She smiled as she heard the punk music turn to Demi Lovato.

Percy always supported his friends with their music and their personal lifes, especially Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift.

The way he brightens up when talking about them and tries to promote music when he can or the way he immediately defends them against bad claims makes Emily feel warm inside.

She's so happy there's people like him in the world.

Emily put her bag down and walked over to the kitchen, where Percy, with a tea-towel over his shoulder and oven mitts on, brings out blue choc-chip cookies from the oven.

Emily lent against the door frame, smiling faintly.

As much as she loved Percy cooking, she knew that with the apple pie, red velvet cake and macarons that was also on the kitchen bench means he is upset.

He likes to bake when he's upset.

'At least it's better than him harming himself' Emily thought as she walked into the room.

"Hi Percy!" Emily expressed happily, making Percy turn to her with a fake smile.

"Hey kiddo! How was your day?" he asked as Emily sat on a bar stool on the other side of the kitchen bench.

"Apparently a better day than you" Emily asked, looking at him "What's wrong?"

He sighed, looking down as he put down the tray of cookies.

"I found out the reason why Ava left" 

This shocked Emily, making her alert and interested.

"Wait, what?" Emily asked.

Percy sighed and explained the incident between himself and Nyx and Luna, and how Ava is the one who told everyone.

" make it more interesting is that Jason talked to Clay, and apparently Clay was the one who took the photo and showed Jason himself" Percy stated "Jason called me immediately and stated it looked like a younger me, either a clone of some sort or literality a younger me photoshoped"

"Wow..." Emily stated.

"Yeah" Percy said, rubbing the back of his neck "The good thing is Jason and Leo both don't trust it, everyone else does though" 

"They have known you for years, you have a flaw of personal loyalty, yet they still don't believe you?" Emily asked, crossing her arms "Now I hate Ava even more"

"Emily!" Percy exclaimed.

"What?!?!" Emily asked "She's the one causing this right?"

"Her brother might have a say in it" Percy stated "He never liked me in the first place"

"But still, she should believe her own husband over her brother, especially when her brother appears out of the blue" Emily exclaimed, before taking a deep breath to calm down.

She hated how Percy has been through all of this, and she wishes he didn't have to go through this.

"What are you going to do about it?" Emily asked softly "It's clear that something is happening and it is effecting your other relationships"

Percy sighed, looking down.

"It will come down to the fact of Ava, and who she believes I guess" Percy stated before looking up at Emily "Now, how was school today? How did everyone react?"

"The eyes on me all the time was uncomfortable" Emily admitted, "But Thomas and Tania helped out a lot"

Percy smiled faintly.

"I'm glad they helped you" Percy stated "What about the two brats?"

Emily gasped.

"Dad!" Emily exclaimed as Percy chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Percy exclaimed before going serious "I'm serious though"

"Well they thought I was lying" Emily stated softly, her mood shifting "And called out my nationality but Thomas was there to help so it was okay"

There was a silence between them.

"Let's avoid that topic; what about class? Any interesting topics?" Percy asked, noticing Emily's discomfort.

Emily smiled faintly.

"In music class we have to create a piece and do a cover for our final project" Emily said "And the theme revolves around family. And we have to perform it at the parent's celebration after the winter break"

"That's amazing!" Percy exclaimed "So what are you thinking for the two of them?" 

Emily chuckled.

"For the cover one of your songs obviously" Emily stated "Either the original or like a punk version, haven't decided yet...and for the original piece I have ideas, but I have no idea how to put them into a piece"

"Well I can help you with that" Percy stated "I can guide you as it is your task but the rest is up to you"

Emily walked around the counter, facing Percy who was now facing her.

"Thanks dad" Emily stated as she hugged her father figure, thankful to be in his arms.

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