Chapter Four

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~~Two Days Later~~

Percy's POV

I hummed a tune with a pen in hand, a book in another, trying to think of lyrics which aren't coming to me.

Suddenly I heard a groan, and looked up to see Emily on the couch opposite me, upside down. 

"Is it normally this boring?" she asked, annoyed.

I rolled my eyes.

"It would be quicker if you didn't sigh every thirty seconds" I said sternly "It isn't a quick process-"

"You said you wrote a song about Ava in a night" Emily expressed, waving her arms around "You can do it again"

"International mental health day is one month away" I said, looking down at my paper "I think we'll be fine"

"Doesn't it take long to record and everything?" she asked.

I sighed, closing my book.

"Normally yes, however not with me. I normally do it pretty fast once I have an idea" I said, tapping the pen on the book, frustrated "Why can't I can an idea!?!"

"You're thinking too hard" Emily said as she sat up and then turned to face me, legs crossed on the couch "You're too focus on doing something perfect than letting it flow"  

I looked at her, surprised by her statement.

"What? I do have creative blocks as well" Emily said "You can't force it, you have to reflect and then move forward, pretend there is no due date"

I sighed, looking down at the coffee table to see my diary.

I widen my eyes and something clicked in my mind, making me smile.

"Ohh, I like that smile" Emily said as I grabbed the diary, and flicking through the pages "What's that?"

"My diary" I replied "Surprised you didn't go through it already"

"I did notice it there" Emily said, leaning back into the couch "I'm nosey but I'm not that nosey, I respect people's space"

I flicked to the right page, one of my newer eateries, before Emily came into my life and when Ava and the others were ignoring me. 

'Dear Dairy,

I'm a mess right now. I'm trying to figure out this wreck that I'm in as I don't understand how I got into it. One day everything was fine, everyone was okay...and then it all stopped. No one talked to me, no one even acknowledged me. Even Ava, who I thought would understand the most. She's never around anymore, always making excuses not to hang around me or even be home. I fear the worse. I saw the media today; she was with another guy in New York. I didn't even know she was in New York. I can't make a rash decision like last time, but this time I know it isn't family so who is it. Tears are running down my face as I write this; I don't want her to run away. It's like she's fading out of time. Like she's moving on. Is she leaving me behind? Got her fame and now she's using my money up for her own selfish need? Oh how I miss her. I hope it isn't like this, that I haven't fallen into this trap again while I'm completely alone. I'm so alone...


As I finished reading, statements just stuck into my mind. 

I smiled as I opened my book again and grabbed my pen.

I wrote 'I don't want you to run away' in bold writing.

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