Chapter Five

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~Two days later~

Percy's POV

"When you said they would start it soon, I didn't realise in two days" I said as Emily as I walked through the studio lot.

"I told you they had the script ready and everything" Emily said "Script reading for the first couple of episodes are today, and I assume you talking about the songs as well"

"I never found out if it was a musical or based around music" I said.

"Based around music" Emily said "There wasn't a lot given at the auditions but we will learn more when we get there"

I nodded as we got to the main building where all the meeting rooms are. We walked through the reception and the receptionist recognised me immediately. 

"L-Luke Jackson" She stammered.

"The room for Wagner please" I said, making her nod frantically.

"Room 13, old creepy hollow room" she said "It's good to have you back Mr Jackson, I hope you are well "

"Thank you Ariel" I said, making her surprised I knew her name "I am well, thank you for asking"

I walked off with Emily walking nervously next to me.

"You get used to that reaction of me" I said to Emily "A lot of people react like that"

As we got closer to the room, I noticed how hesitant Emily is.

"Hey, you'll be right" I said, stopping, making Emily stop "Just breath okay?"

"What if I'm not what they want?" Emily asked "What if I let them down?"

I chuckled.

"You are so talented Emily" I said "You don't have to feel pressured by anything, if you don't want to do it then let me or Issac know"

"I-I want to ask something" Emily said, making me nod "Do they know about us?"

I paused a second, thinking about it.

"I don't think so, I haven't said anything" I replied "And we can keep it that way if you want. Issac is very good a keeping secrets, and if you feel uncomfortable about anything, let me know"

Emily nodded.

"There will be people asking questions at both of us alright?" I asked "I will be bombarded by people as I've been silent for a couple of months and since you're new. We can say we know each other and if they make you feel uncomfortable, let me know"

Emily nodded again, taking a deep breath. 

"Alright, let's do this" I said as we walked a couple more steps to the room and opened the door.

The crowd turned to look at us, all of them widen their eyes.

"Percy, Emily! You have arrived!" Issac said, sitting behind his 'director' table tag.

"Sorry about the lateness" I said "Traffic is really bad at the moment"

"All good, have a seat" he said and motioned to two empty spots next to him. One having a tag 'Jessica Russel, performed by Emily Jackson' and the other having 'Jason Russel, performed by Luke Jackson'. I turned to Emily who looked at me and nodded, both of us walking to our seats and sitting down.

"Now, before you ask, Luke Jackson is out from his break" Issac said "Now there will no be asking about his personal life unless he says something"

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