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~Two Months Later [Christmas Day]~

Third POV - Jackson L.A Household

It is Christmas Day and the Jackson family were in their living room, the Christmas tree lit as they laughed at what Percy had said. Percy was standing near the tree while Emily was on the couch and Ava sitting on the arm rest of the couch. They all had their Santa hats on; Percy having a standard, traditional red one, Ava having a pink hat with sequins and Emily had a hat with Mickey Mouse ears on it. 

It was just the three of them today; selected family and friends are coming tomorrow to celebrate the tough year. Selected ones being the old band, Jason, Annabeth, and Leo. As well as the godly parents, Order and Percy's birth mother and step-father. Percy couldn't bare to have people like Piper, Frank, and Hazel over, they would cause too much stress which Ava and Emily both understood and wanted to support. Especially Nyx and Luna, who have not spoken to him since their last argument. Percy didn't bother to reach out as he knew Luna saw the photo that Clay 'took', and would have recognised herself but did not say anything. He doesn't need that in his life.

Percy looked over at his family; this time at the start of the year he thought he would not be here. He was alone, confused and scared. And now he's happier than he's ever been before. Not only does he have Ava and Emily but his career is taking off once again. His new album 'Stop and Rewind' is set to release mid January, his rescheduled tour is back on for summer which Percy is so excited about,  'The Runaways' has just started streaming on Netflix and there has been positive reviews, and to top that off his new manger (who Andy and Chaos chose as a requirement for the manger role is having some knowledge of the Greek world) is very nice. Turns out it was Emily's old tutor Johnathan Blake, who is around the same age as Percy. They see a lot eye to eye which makes Percy feel a little better about changing mangers.

Ava's career as a lawyer has also set off, settling back in like she never left. She often worries about Percy and makes sure he is having a balanced lifestyle. Ava tries to be honest to Percy, however there's things like Clay trying to contact her with various numbers that she will never tell. She ignores them, but she does not want to tell Percy of this. She thinks Percy doesn't need that stress and she can handle it. Considering she already has a restraining order on Clay and he is breaching it by contacting her she should tell the mortal police, but she doesn't have the heart for that. 

Ava smiled as she looked at Emily, who looked nervously excited. Ava's trying to be the best mother figure to Emily as she knows of her previous parent's lack of support. Ava understands as both her and Emily went through the fostering system, so Ava likes to spoil Emily rotten because of it. She spoils Emily more than Percy himself, making Percy slightly jealous. It's a competition between the two to who can spoil Emily more, which annoys Emily herself but it always makes her laugh at the child-like actions of her new parents. 

"Are you alright Emily?" Ava asked, making Emily look up at Ava and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just...tired" Emily replied, looking back at the Christmas tree. Ava smiled softly, knowing full well Emily has not experienced a Christmas like this before. 

Emily yawned; she's been so busy with work and school. She's been furiously trying to start revising for her SATs for next year and doing assignments after assignments. Apart from 'The Runaways', Emily has been offered multiple roles in multiple medias. And her acting manger who is her father Percy is helping her throughout the process, and choosing the right roles based off the contract.

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