Chapter Fourteen

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Percy's POV

"Jason? What are you doing here?" I asked, a little confused.

I noticed he looked exhausted and his hair was all fluffed up.

"Did you fly all the way here?" I exclaimed, now worried.

Jason nodded his head, almost collapsing.

I widen my eyes and caught him before he fell.

"Why did you fly over here? Was it something urgent that couldn't you Iris message me?" I asked and then looked over to Emily, who was looking at the interaction confused "Em, get some of the you know what from the first aid kit, and some blankets, Jason is freezing"

Emily widen her eyes.

"Wait, is this-"

"Jason, yes, now please, I need to bring him inside" I said, turning my attention back to Jason, whose eyes are droopy. 

"Whose that?" Jason muttered.

"Not at the moment Jason, I'll explain everything after okay? Let me help you" I said as I got his arm over my shoulder, and carried him into the living room, where Emily had the first aid kit in hand and a blanket already on the couch.

I carried him onto the couch, wrapping Jason in the blanket as Emily put the first aid kit on the table and went through it.

"C-Can't you just h-heal me with you powers?" Jason stammered, making me sigh.

"I am not using the powers of the people who abandoned me once again" i said sternly "And besides, ambrosia is better for you anyway"

"Found it!" Emily exclaimed, grabbing the cube from a small bag.

She gave it to me, making me smile at her before turning to Jason.

"You need to take this, to get your strength back" I said softly, making Jason nod.

Gently, I fed the ambrosia to Jason, who glowed slightly before his pale skin turned to a more normal shade, his blue eyes returning its spark.

"Thanks Percy" Jason whispered.

"All good, now I advice you stay in the blanket for a while while, until your body temperature is better" I said as I turned to pack up the first aid kit, "While that is happening you tell me why you're here" 

"I'm here for you"

I paused, and turned to him.

"For me?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, no one has been telling me anything and I got worried" Jason said "It really hit me after I saw your video and i couldn't wait so I flew over"

I stared at him with shock.

"Fly?!?" I exclaimed "You could have hurt yourself or passed out!"

"But I didn't" he stated, making me groan.

"Now you're sounding like me" I stated, "I'm fine, really"

He just looked at me.

"I could sense Order's restlessness" Jason stated "Remember we're connected through that?"

I only smiled, shaking my head as I looked down.

"Now, don't lie to me and tell me what happened" Jason said "Was it Ava?"

"Yes" Emily said, making me glare at her.

"Go into your room please" I said "This is between Jason and I now"

"Oh come on!" Emily exclaimed "Dad, I at least deserve to lis-"

"Wait dad?!?!" Jason exclaimed, widen his eyes at Emily.

Emily sighed, herself knowing that having her there will make Jason even more confused.

"Ok, I'll go to my room" she muttered, "But you owe me"

I looked up and smiled at her.

"Thank you" I said softly.

She sighed again and walked out the room, leaving Jason and I alone.

"Wait, she's your daugh-"

"Adopted daughter" I explained "If I actually had a demigod kid, the Olympians would either kill them or make them a weapon"

"That is true" Jason said, sitting up straighter "Now explain to me what happened?"

I threw my hands up as I sat on the couch on the other side of the room.

"I'm not sure what happened" I said "One second I had the perfect life, and then after the honeymoon everyone, I mean everyone ignored me"

Jason looked at me surprised.

"Even Ava and Lu- I mean Andy?" Jason asked, making me nod.

"Andy was the reason why I couldn't do anything or write songs, even my tour was cancelled and I hated when that happened" I continued "Ava...has just been distant, staying in New York even though her job is in L.A and when she is in L.A doesn't even stay at home, she stays in a hotel"

"Now that's fucked up" Jason stated, "I really thought Ava wasn't like that"

"Me either, I-" I took a deep breath, running my hands through my hair "I-I don't know what i did, she isn't even replying to my texts or calls, it's like I didn't exist. And to make it worse she's been seen by paparazzi with another man"

I felt tears form.

"The one time I tried to work on opening up to people they ignore me" I expressed, "How do people expect me to open up when every time I do, I either get betrayed or forgotten"

"Percy" Jason stated softly "I won't go"

i looked him in the eyes.

"You've helped me so much, through everything" Jason stated "It's time I help you"

"What if you leave me again?" I asked softly "Everyone leaves me in the end"

"I will never leave you Percy" Jason stated, determined "I'm not standing by to see one of my best friends go through this, we need resolve this"

"What about Piper?" I asked.

"She will understand, I want you to be happy again" Jason argued.

"But I'm not worth that much" I admitted, looking down.

"You mean the world to some people Percy" Jason stated "You mean the world to your fans who admire your work, you mean the world to me and your daughter"

I couldn't fight the tears, as I sniffled, wiping my eyes.

"T-Thanks Jason" I stammered.

"You're welcome, now, it's late so we better sleep" Jason said as i looked up at him "You can tell me everything that is happening tomorrow"

I nodded getting up, glad at least one of my friends won't leave my side.

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