Chapter Twenty-Five

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~A day later~

THIRD POV - Jackson household in L.A

Emily walked up the stairs from her bedroom at the bottom of the stairs, walking to her adpoted father's door, hesitating.

It was deadly silent in there, and Emily didn't like it. 

After they got home Emily stayed up with Percy until he calmed down and fell asleep on her lap.

After a couple of hours after calming him down, Emily fell asleep too, on the cold, hard floor.

But this morning she woke up in her room, so she only assmued Percy must have woken up and moved her.

Emily went to knock on the door, but hesitated.

'He is asleep young one'

Emily jumped in surprised, looking around to see where that voice came from.

The voice chuckled.

'It's Order dear, I'm talking to you in your head' Order stated 'Percy's still asleep, I'm sure you can feel it too but he is exhausted. I'll wake him up later, you go to school'

Emily nodded and turned away from his door.

She slowly walked down the stairs, swinging the bag she left on the stairs before on her shoulder.

"Can you at lest tell him to text me when he's awake and if he's alright?" Emily asked softly, her voice echoing slightly.

'Of course I can, you enjoy your day at mortal school' Order stated. 

Emily smiled softly.

"Thank you" She whispered and walked outside.

Almost immedeitly a car pulled up; a white Audi Q3.

The window rolled down to reveal Thomas, who was grinning with his perfect white smile.

"Thomas, what are you-"

"Your dad texted to pick you up" Thomas stated "Come on, let's get to school"

Emily smiled and nodded, opening the passenger car door and hopping into the car, putting her bag in her lap before shutting the door behind her. She took a massive dep breath.

"You good?" Thomas asked, making Emily sigh as she put her seatbelt on.

"Dad saw Ava last night, and I was majority of the night looking after him from a pan-"

Emily was cut off by a yawn, making Thomas chuckle softly.

"Are you okay? Do you want to stay home?" Thomas asked, making Emily shake her head.

"I have a English assignment due, I need to be there" Emily replied, making Thomas sigh.

"Ah, English" Thomas stated "Forgot about that"

Emily rolled her eyes as Thomas put the car in drive.

"Let's go and start the day!" Thomas stated as he accelerated.

~3 hours later~

Emily was in the music centre, messing with some chords for her music assignment of creating two pieces while waiting for the teacher to call her.

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