Chapter Eleven

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Emily's POV

I took a deep breath as I walked through the doors of my high school, already dreading the day.

Apparently today is the day I get the year long project in Music studies and I am not looking forward to it. Especially since I will be revealing myself as an actress as well as the fact I know Luke Jackson.

And it doesn't help when my best friend, Tania, isn't going to be here today.

So I have to deal with the brats alone-

"Hey look, its the brat"

I groaned to see Veronica and her group of friends approaching me.

"Hello Veronica" I stated.

"A poor life like you shouldn't say her name" Vanessa, her right hand bit...I mean friend stated next to her.

I just ruled my eyes.

When I reveal myself to them, they won't be able to deal with it.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Veronica snapped "I can have you sued"

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh really? With daddy's money I'm sure" I stated, making her snarl.

"More money than you have in a lifetime sweetheart" Veronica said as she stood right in front of me, no space between us "You're only made to be squished by people like my kind. You can stop living your silly dreams and go back to the dumpster that you belong in"

I heard her group giggle as I looked to the ground, almost in shock by her words.

"At least I'm not a fuckin' plastic btich" I muttered, knowing Veronica heard me, and went to walk off.

I felt something push my back making me turn around to see Vanessa was the one who pushed me.

"Don't walk away from us!" Vanessa stated "We need to teach you a less-"

"Hey Emily!"

I took a sigh of relief as Thomas approached us.

The girls squealed upon seeing him.

"Tom, Tom, Tom!" Veronica yelled, acting like a headless chicken "You're here! How are-"

"Please don't call me that Veronica, it''s Handle, or nothing" Thomas said and then looked at me "Are they causing you trouble?"

I shrugged.

"It's the usual" I stated "Shall we?"

"Why would you want to go with...her?" Vanessa stated "You could be with Veronica who is way better and richer"

Thomas laughed.

"You know nothing about Emily" Thomas exclaimed, "Come on, let's get to Music class"

Veronica squealed like a child as both Thomas and I walked away.

We laughed as we walked down the busy halls.

The first time we walked down together we got weird stares, as Thomas is one of the most popular people in our school walking with someone like me.

But now its a normal occurrence.

"Don't you have other friends to go to?" I asked.

"How's a 'Thanks Thomas for helping me out against the bullies!'" Thomas asked.

I sighed.

"Thank you for helping me even though I could have handled it" I said, making Thomas chuckle.

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