Chapter Thirty-Eight

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2 hours later 

Third POV - Harvard-Westlake School

Emily waited nervously, sitting next to Thomas as their music class came streaming in for the last two periods. 

It's time for Emily to sing, but she's nervous.

She knows her dad is around here somewhere though, he's been sending her snapchats of him spying on her and Thomas and teasing her about it.

She thinks he's hiding back stage somewhere.

"You'll be alright" Thomas whispered into her ear as Veronica and Vanessa stormed up to them "I believe in you"

He looked up at the two angry girls.

"Hello, what's up?" Thomas asked "Can't you see you're interrupting something here?"

Veronica laughed.

"Thomas, sweetie, there is nothing to interrupt with that waste of space" Veronica stated and then demanded "You should sit with me!"

"Um no" Thomas stated "I want to stay with my best friend thank you"

Veronica dramatically gasped and glared at Emily.

"Such a low life" she said, smirking. 

"Seriously?!? You rather stay with the trash girl than us?" Vanessa exclaimed "You deserve way better company than her, she doesn't even scrape enough money to get into the school let alone get some descent clothes"

Thomas only glared at Vanessa as Emily looked down, upset.

"Leave us alone" Thomas stated "And I am only going to say this once more"

"We'll leave you alone if that's what you wish" Veronica stated "I can't wait for Emily to sing about her poor family"

Veronica and Vanessa started to laughed, making Emily scoff under her breath.

"What was that?" Veronica asked, turning to Emily, who now looked up to glare at Veronica.

"And I can't wait to see your face when I reveal my biological family and adoptive family" Emily stated "You seem to know so much about my past, let's see how much you do know"

Veronica rolled her eyes and with Vanessa they walked to other seats, leaving Thomas and Emily.

"I'm proud of you for standing up to them, they didn't see it coming!" 

Both Thomas and Emily noticed Tania, Emily's best friend, standing in front of them.

"Aren't you meant to be in history?" Emily asked, making Tania roll her eyes.

"Well yes, but that's boring" Tania stated "I want to see you sing and Veronica's face!" 

She clapped her hands happily, making Emily laugh.

"Emily, you're up!"

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