Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N This is going to be a double update due to missing last week. And to make it better both chapters are over 2,000 words. I'm kinda glad I got my Discord chat to help me make this decision, especially with the way I ended this current chapter, a lot of people would want me to update. So I hope you enjoy it.

 Also my computer is still not doing spell check so...that's fun. Now it's on word too, I really need to fix this

[Wrote 14/04/2021]

Warning: Mention of Panic Attacks, Panic Attack

~Next Day - Afternoon~

Third POV - Jackson's household L.A

Percy was chilling in the lounge room, waiting for Emily to come home from school. He stared at the text message he got earlier today from his step-sister, Kristy.

Kirsty: Hello Percy, I hope you're well. The musical gig I was talking to you about a little while ago has started for me! I was wondering if you could come along, I would really appriate it if you could. I have two tickets spare for tonights show if you want to come. Luv you! From your sis, Kristy

Of course Percy replied stated he wanted to come, he just was nervous.

He hasn't been to New York since his fight with V-

He shivered at the name, not even wanting to mention it.

He also knows that his old apartment and Ava's is around Broadway area too, which means he could bump into her.

He heard the door open and close, and the sound of a school bag rattling.

"I'm home d-"

Emily poked her head around the sliding door which was half opened.

"What are you nervous about?" Emily asked as she dropped her bag on the ground "And why are you looking at me like you're about to lecture me, I swear I didn't-"

"Emily, relax, it's alright" Percy stated as Emily walked up to Percy "Do you have anything planned for tonight?"

Emily shook her head.

"No why?' Emily asked.

Percy sighed.

"You remeber me telling you about Kristy?" Percy asked, making Emily nod, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, she's your half sister right? The one that was in the Hunters of Artemis until she joined the band?" Emily asked "The music one?"

"Yeah, so she's in the band for a Broadway show and I was wondering if you want to come with me tonight to see it as she has two tickets, probably thinking Ava would come along" Percy explained "It's the opening night for Hercules the Musical"

Emily's eyes lit up with excitment.

"Yes! I've been hearing about that since 2019!  I've never been to Broadway let alone New York! I would love to go!" Emily stated, "What time does the show start?"

"Seven" Percy replied, making Emily widen her eyes.

"Seven? Percy, it's four, we won't get there in-"

"I can mist travel us" Percy replied, "It's also a red carpet event so wear a formal dres-"

"I heard formal so I had to appear!"

Both Percy and Emily turned to the once empty couch to reveal Aphrodite, and her ever changing appearance. Percy had to look away as he knew he would see Ava in place of the Goddess. 

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