Chapter Twenty-Three

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~Next Day~

Third POV - In the Car at Emily's High School

"So this time you promise that you won't pick me up randomly in the school day?" Emily asked, crossed armed in the passenger seat of Percy's disguised car. Percy chuckled, in his disguised form. "I promise" Percy stated "You need as much time at school as possible since filming is due to start in the next couple of weeks" 

Emily smiled, nodding as she grabbed her bag which was at her feet and opened the car door. 

"See you later dad!" Emily exclaimed, and shut the door, her rushing to her friends Tania and Thomas. 

Percy smiled at the interation, and put his car in gear before driving off, straight to the studio.

'Hello Percy'

Percy smiled.

"Hello Order, how are you?" Percy asked "How is ruling the universe with your brother?"

'As it would be with someone who has hated me for millions of years; difficult' Order stated 'But Chaos is getting there'

"That's good to hear" Percy replied "What's the visit for today?"

'Nothing major, just asking how you are going' Order stated 'I had a rant from Nyx stating that you're not talking to her'

Percy scoffed.

"She has been visiting me multiple times now, trying to get me to forgive her" Percy stated as he got to a traffice light "I do forgive her...I just don't trust anyone anymore"

'They ignored you after your attempts to contact them, of course your trust is harmed' Order stated 'That is the thing about Greeks; they expect you to forgive them after they make mistakes but they have made too many mistakes to you and you are making them accountable for it'

Percy hummed with agreement as he turned the corner.

'How's Emily?' Order asked 'Threatening other immortals?'

Percy chuckled.

"No, not at the moment" Percy stated "She's trying to live her life as a normal mortal when she has a demigod father and now staring in a tv show"

'I did hear about that' Order expressed as Percy slowed down, hitting traffic 'It was all the primortals and Greeks were talking about'

Percy rasied an eye brow.

"Oh really?" Percy asked, relaxing slightly into his seat.

'They were confused about Emily, how she didn't react badly to the immortals but she seemed mortal...too mortal for them' Order explained, making Percy sigh.

"Of course they think she's suspious, they won't hurt her right?" Percy asked.

'They won't, not on my watch' Order expressed as Percy parked, really for his busy day today.

"I need to work now Order, it was nice talking to you" Percy finished, making Order hum.

'Speak to you soon, Luke Jackson' Order stated as Percy felt his presence leave his head.

Percy sighed, clicking his fingers so his normal appearance is known. He replaced his sunglasses with his normal glasses and sighed when he looked at the rear-veiw mirror to see himself staring back. Percy seemed to notice his eyes flash purple for a second, which confused him. Thinking it was a trick of the light, he shook his head and got out the car, bodygaurds at his side.

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