Chapter Twelve

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A/N So if people don't know I'm a film student, currently studying film. And with this chapter in particular I have always envisioned it as a video...and I'm tempted to make it and maybe even cosplay as Percy himself in the video. What do you guys think?

I am also planning on making a playlist because I'm planning for this novel to be short but have a lot of songs in it.

Also sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be long

~1 month later~


Jason's phone made a noise, making him groan.

Who would be contacting him at this time.

He opened his eyes, groggy as he sat up from his bed.

He red his alarm clock; 5:45am.

Jason sighed, hoping this better be good as he opened his phone to reveal a text from Leo

From Leo: Dude, Percy just posted a music video and he doesn't look good man.

Jason froze.

It's been a while since he's heard from Percy, well the world has heard from Percy.

He admits it made him suspicious, but Piper told him not to worry about it.

Now he's worried.

He quickly gets YouTube up on his phone and clicks on Percy's channel, where the video called 'I Miss You Music Video' appeared. Jason clicked on it to watch it.

The screen was black with messages appearing on the screen. 

'This song was written for all the people who are or have been in a situation where they feel like the whole world is against them'

'This video is unedited and vocals are done live with the band recording'

'Just because people seem okay, doesn't mean they are'

The video appeared with Percy to watch seems to be in his recording studio in his house, headphones on and in front of the mic.

"You've got this Percy" a female voice he didn't recognise said in the background.

Where's Ava?

The music started, Percy nodding and concentrating.

"I'm a mess right now
Tryna figure out this wreck
You're never around
Always choose something instead" He started.

Jason noticed the emotion in Percy's voice, making Jason worried.

What happened?

"Say you're here for me
That that always will be true
Still no vacancy
No you're never here to prove"

Percy put his hand to his headphone, swaying to the music.

"I don't want you to run away
But you're fading out of sight
Haven't seen you for an eternity
Are you leaving me behind
Been needing you so desperately
But you never make the time
Can't you see what you do to me
Are you leaving me behind" 

Jason froze, connecting some dots.

'This is about Ava, isn't it?' Jason thought as he continued to watch.

"I should be used to it the
Emptiness when the ones you love all
Feel so distant
Seasons change no
Face to face
How I miss you
How I miss you" Percy sung.

Jason widen his eyes.

His friend needs his help.

"Leaves they fall then
Snow it comes just
Short connections
Hi bye done
Memories plague of
What once was
How I miss you
How I miss you"

So someone is ignoring him?

Jason felt anger as he continued, noticing Percy get very teary as he sung the next part.

"I don't want you to run away
But you're fading out of sight
Haven't seen you for an eternity
Are you leaving me behind
Been needing you so desperately
But you never make the time
Can't you see what you do to me
Are you leaving me behind

Tell me everything's alright
I need you here tonight
I need you here tonight"

He finished the music fading as you hear clapping in the background.

"Good job Luke, I'm proud of you" the same female voice said before turning to black.

The next 30 seconds were a show of all the helplines in the world.

Jason immediately went to text Leo back.

To Leo: I'm going to see him, tell Piper I will be back soon

Jason locked his phone and decided it would be better to fly over to Percy, hoping he won't be late.


Ava got the text from Leo and just watched the video multiple times.

She covered her mouth to stop her from crying out.

The song was about her and she knew it. 

The lyrics seemed to repeat themselves in her head.

She really fucked up, and she knew that.

She heard a soft knock on the door.

"Ava? Are you alright?" Her brother asked.

"I-I'm fine!" she exclaimed, lying.

"I know you probably saw the video, I did too" Clay stated "But remember what he did to you? You don't deserve him"

"But something's not right" Ava muttered, looking down at her phone and then at her computer, which showed a one way flight to L.A later that day "Something isn't adding up, and I want to know why"

"Just promise me you won't go after him, I don't want to see you hurt" Clay said as he lent against the door "You heard the female voice in the video"

Ava sighed.

Yes, she did hear the female voice in the video.

And she admits she's hurt.

However the voice sounded quite young, and Percy wouldn't betray her...right?

She hesitated about booking the ticket and closed the laptop with a sigh.

She needed to think about this more.

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