Chapter Thirteen

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~5 hours later~

Percy's POV

"Are you ready for the livestream?" Emily asked, making me take a deep breath.

"Are you ready for the questions?" I asked "As soon as they hear someone that isn't Ava, they will talk"

"And we have already gone over the plan" Emily said "The show is about to promote; I live in another state so you offered me the spare room. Technically I'm not lying am I? You did offer me the spare room"

I sighed, anxious about the outcome.

"I'm just worried your school mates will watch" I said "You said you were worried about getting used"

"I know I have Tania, my best friend as I guess Thomas supports me too. And besides, at this point of time until Issac finally replies back to my message I won't be on camera" Emily said from the computer "Stop stalling, we'll be late"

I nodded, as the record camera flashed on.

Sitting in my recording room on a couch, I broaden my smile.

"Hey guys, what's up it's been a while!" I said in my on camera voice, which made Emily almost laugh at me "How have you guys been?"

"You have a lot of messages coming through, all hoping you're okay and glad you're here" Emily stated.

"Thanks" I said and pointed to where Emily is behind the camera "Who spoke then is Emily, a co-worker of mine for an upcoming project which you will lean about soon"

"Hi!" Emily exclaimed from the back, making me chuckle.

"The purpose of this stream is to surprise everyone with my new music and hopefully a new album coming out soon" I started "Also to answer your questions about the new song...and I guess anything! Emily will be reading out the questions to me and don't worry if you don't hear yours get mentioned, my DMs will be open for 48 hours on all social and I will work through them the next week or two...but saying that, please don't flood them"

Emily laughed in the background.

"You can't just say that, now everyone will flood it" Emily said, giggling "Have fun with that"

I smiled, relaxing slightly.

"Any questions at the-"

"Yep" Emily said "A main one from everyone is; how are you and what happened to you in the 7 months?"

I sighed, looking down.

"I am fine now, I wasn't fine during the 6 months" I admitted "A lot of personal stuff happened which I don't want to go into detail about. However, that situation made me learn from my mistakes and grow and now I'm better than ever!"

"They're glad you're okay, they were worried" Emily said, making me look up and nod.

"I was silent for a while wasn't I?" I asked, making Emily nod "Okay, the next question?"

"'Are coming back for good? And what projects are you taking about?' came from Fishy_Friend101" Emily said "Nice username by the way"

"I admit, nice username as well, very creative" I said "I am definitely coming back for good, don't have to worry about that. As I said I'm in the process of writing my 3rd solo album now. Acting wise I know I will go back to my Brendon role next year for filming, as it was put on hold because of me...opps..."

Emily laughed.

"...but as I said Emily and I are in a project together which is directed by the director of CreepyHollow, Issac Wagner. And I am definitely looking forward to sharing that with you guys" I said "I am not allowed to say a lot about it, but it involves singing and it made me so happy to properly sing again for a project when I went into the studio" 

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