Chapter Sixteen

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Emily is waiting for Thomas at the entry way as Jason and Percy continued to chat at the dining room table, Percy behind Jason who had his head in his hands again.

Jason groaned.

"Can't my headache get any worse?" Jason groaned, his head throbbing.


"Maybe it can" Jason groaned quietly, knowing who that female voice was. 

The pair turned to where Percy was once sitting at the head of the table to reveal an Iris message, with the Olympians plus the rest of the seven.

"I thought you said Iris messages didn't work here" Jason commented, not getting his head out of his hands.

Percy sighed and patted his back.

"Not if Iris helped them" Percy said softly before looking at the Iris message with his startling sea-green eyes, "Now, what would you guys like?"

"Why are you so calm-"

"Piper, calm down" Annabeth stated, cutting Piper off "Before we continue, at least Jason is safe and where we thought he was"

She turned to the screen as Percy looked at her confused.

"How are you Percy?" she asked.

"I mean, being ignored by everyone for six months and being depressed again sucks" Percy replied sourly with a slight smirk "But now I'm fine as I am building up from what everyone left me with"

"Left you?" Hazel asked, confused.

"Not important" Percy stated "What do you mean 'Jason is safe'? Jason you guys he was coming over to me after I released that music video"

"Which we do need to talk about" Poseidon stated.

"Later, we will, not now" Percy said as Jason got his head out of his hands and looked at the Iris message.

"Leo, you were meant to tell them" Jason said "You told Piper...right?"

Leo looked sheepish.


"Wait why?" Piper snapped "Leo! We all thought he had died and you knew where he was"

"Yeah, I did, he was worried for Percy because no one else was" Leo snapped, making Percy widen his eyes "I could have told Piper but I didn't because Jason needed a break, but apparently it wasn't for long enough..."

"I appreciate your concern Leo" Jason said "But you could have told someone"

"They wouldn't have let you over here" Leo stated "Not in the way you went over anyway"

Jason sighed.

"Jason, please come home" Piper stated "You're not safe there, what if monsters-"

"The shield has been fixed around my house, no monsters can come in" Percy stated "I made sure of that"

The tone of Percy's voice startled the Greeks, like they knew he wasn't just talking about the stereotypical monsters. 

He was also talking about something else, that Jason knew about.


"I'm safe here alright Piper?" Jason stated, "I want to be here for my friend, who has been going through a rough time"

"He's escaped the Greek world, he should be fine-"

"Do not finish that sentence if you want to live Son of Mars" Apollo said darkly "Percy may be the purest soul in the universe, but that doesn't mean he has 'escaped' you guys. He is always haunted by the trauma; physically and mentally. And it doesn't help with you pestering him about every little thing he does wrong"

Everyone was deadly silent as everyone looked at the emotionless son of Poseidon and Nyx, who gave Apollo a silent nod.

"As much as I don't want to talk about my thoughts, you guys should be leaving" Percy stated darkly.

"Not until we have Jason! You took him away from us!" Piper exclaimed, like Percy was a villain again.

Percy flinched at the tone of her voice, which Jason noticed.

'See? You can hide it as much as you want, but you're still the villain' the voice spoke in Percy's mind.

"Which is why Jason is going home" Percy said slowly.

"WHAT?!" Jason snapped, which surprised everyone, including Percy as Jason glared angrily at the rockstar "Luke, you know this isn't far on you-"

"They need you more than I do" Percy said, turning away from both Jason and the Iris message "I'm not worth it"

"But Percy!" Jason stammered "What about you? I know for a fact you need more help than you think"

Percy chuckled.

"It's not like anyone cares about me anyway" Percy stated dully "Everyone's ignored me for this long, so why not longer?"

The comment made the Greeks and Jason in shock.

"You'll get your precious hero back Olympians" Percy stated "I can't have you loose two heroes can I?"

Percy clicked his fingers, the Iris message disappearing from view.

"Percy, what are you think-"

"Trust me, just give it up" Percy said emotionlessly, not facing Jason "They will send a full army if you stay here any longer and mark me as the villain...again"

"Percy, just listen to-"


Both men were deadly silent for a little while. Jason was now out his chair, looking at Percy's back in tears. Percy himself was trying to hold his own tears, but he knows it's the only way.

Jason sighed after 5 minutes.

"Fine" Jason stated "I'll teleport over the-"

"No need, I'll teleport you to New York" Percy said dully "Farewell"


And Jason vanished from his spot, making Percy sigh.

He rubbed his forehead, getting a headache.

He walked through the door to see Emily in the entrance, still oblivious to what happened.

Emily heard him and smiled as she turned to him, widening her eyes to realise that Percy was holding back tears.

"Percy?!?" she exclaimed "Are you okay? Where is Jas-"

"I just need to think okay Em" Percy said softly "I'll be out to greet Thomas when he gets here"

"Take your time" Emily said as she watched Percy go up the stairs.

Percy chuckled to himself as he went into his recording room.

He was so glad he put up that sound proofing for the dinning/kitchen now. 

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