Chapter Thirty-Six

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A/N if you get an update on chapter thirty-five, it's because that I changed Percy's album slightly. I am adding 'Setting Yourself up for Sarcasm' which Percy sung in the 'Now I am a Rockstar' in the Christmas in L.A chapter and 'Writing's on the Wall'. So you don't need to re-read unless you want to, it won't change the plot.

Same goes for the Song list update.

Also this isn't my best chapter, as people who are in my discord know, this chapter was one of the ones I didn't plan in my planning stage for the ending of the book. I also changed ideas due to the fact my original idea would draw people into wanting another sequel. So my original idea was also changed due to writer's block for at lest 6 hours when I was pumped on an energy drink and starting to binge watch Avatar: The Last Airbender (FYI it's quiet good for a first timer watching it)

You will also find that the chapters will be larger at the story comes to an end as I am trying to resolve the ends as soon as possible. Like this chapter is at least 3,000 words long. I didn't mean it to but here we are.

Sorry in advance if it doesn't make sense.

So yeah...enjoy!

[Author Note made 21/07/2021]

30 minutes later

Third POV - Jackson L.A household

Percy was chilling in his recording room, finally getting a break from the phone calls from the recording company. 

He must have assumed Andy told the company which is why he is getting bombarded with phone calls about the situation. 

He doesn't regret telling Andy, but it is going to be a pain to deal with.

He knows he's being struggling with keeping up his manger stuff for a while.

Percy sighed, lying on the couch in the room, trying to relax when he felt a presence come into the room.

He opened his eyes slightly to see Chaos and Order standing in front of him, looking down on him. 

"Percy, are you alright?" Order asked, confusing Percy as he closed his eyes again.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Percy asked, not worried.

"Are you feeling alright?" Order asked, making Percy open his eyes and glare at them.

"I am tried from work, what else?" Percy asked, annoyed.

"What my brother is trying to say is have you been experiencing anything?" Chaos asked.

"" Percy stated as he sat up "What are you talking about?"

The two primordial looked at each other before looking at Percy.

"Your friend had given me a claim that there was something wrong, something magically wrong" Chaos stated, making Percy widen his eyes.

He realised after a second who that 'friend' is.

Percy groaned, putting his head in his hands.

"Bloody Hell Luke" Percy muttered, annoyed.

He looked back up at the primordial.

"I'm fine, really. He just worries some times" Percy replied, trying to fake smile his way through it.

But they didn't look convinced.

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