Chapter Thirty-Five

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A/N long chapter for my lack of updating on time. Enjoy! :)

[Author Note written 19/07/2021]

One Week Later

Third POV

Percy was recording in his recording room when he heard someone knocking on the door.

He put his headphones down, wondering who would be knocking on the door.

He walked over and opened it to reveal Emily, who just stared at him, annoyed.

"Um..hi?" Percy asked "What's wrong?"

"You were up all night again" Emily stated, making Percy widen his eyes.

"I was?!?!" Percy exclaimed, trying to lean back to see his computer screen "What time is it?"

"7:30am, I'm about to go to set" Emily stated "They need me and Thomas"

"Do you want me to drive you-"

"Not with you being awake for god knows how long" Emily stated "A car Issac has organised is picking me and Thomas up before taking us to the location" 

Percy sighed, frustrated and annoyed that he didn't realise time had passed.

"I'm so sorry Em, I've just been working non-stop on my album and-"

"Haven't eaten and slept in well over two days?" Emily finished, her arms now crossed.

Funnily enough, Percy doesn't feel that tired...or hungry.

He doesn't know why, maybe that's also why he didn't realise the time.

And the look on Emily's face is making him a little nervous.

"...What can I do to make it up to you?" Percy asked, hopefully.

Emily fought a smile as she replied.

"First off you need food and sleep" Emily stated.

Percy nodded.

"I can do that" Percy replied.

"...I also want to hear one of your songs from your new album" Emily exclaimed, making Percy smile slightly, chuckling "You've been in your room, conniving away in secret, I want to know at least one song"

"Give you one song and the titles of the songs of the album and a set deal?" Percy asked, looking to Emily, who looked really excited.

"Yes!" Emily exclaimed, almost jumping out her skin with excitement.

Percy stepped to the side of the door and motioned Emily in, making Emily walk in with a spring in her step.

"Now, I am currently working on a song that I was working in many years ago" Percy started to explain as Emily walked in "My album inspiration this time is the past and present, so I will be putting songs on my album I wrote in the past I never released, and new songs which I wrote this year, some of which I need a female voice to help me out..."

Percy turned to Emily, who was now standing near the PC, fascinated by the program.

She turned to Percy with shock.

"Wait, you want me to feature in your album?" Emily exclaimed, unable to believe it.

"I don't really have anyone else to ask short notice" Percy stated.

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