Chapter Nine

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~3 days later (18th of August)~

Percy's POV

"Wake up~"

"Emily, what have I told you about waking me up?" I asked as I groaned, opening my eyes slightly to notice the sun wasn't even up "What time is it?"

"It doesn't matter because we have to celebrate something special" Emily said as I closed my eyes "No! Don't go back to sleep! I can only do this before school now get up!"

I sighed and opened up my eyes.

There was hardly any light in my room, only the hall light which was outside my room.

I yawned, stretching as I sat up, noticing Emily sitting on the edge of my bed, excited.

She looked like she was about to jump out her skin.

"Now, what has gotten you this excited that you had to wake me up at-" I paused my sentence and looked at my alarm cloak on my bedside table "-at 5:30am EMILY, why did you wake me up at"

I paused, when I realised Emily was holding a little cupcake in her hand with a candle on it which was lit up.

I also noticed a small gift next to her.

"Emily, what's that for?" I asked, generally confused.

Emily laughed.

"It's your birthday silly!" Emily said "Blow out the candle birthday boy!"

I smiled faintly and blew out the candle, making Emily clap.

Emily moved closer to me to give me the wrapped present.

"Here" Emily said "I hope you like it"

I smiled and grabbed the present from her hands.

"I'm sure I will love it either way" I said as I start to open it.

I opened it to reveal a small box.

I looked at Emily who smile widen.

Curious, I looked down at the box and lifted the lid up, revealing a bracelet.

The bracelet was a leather band with a plain silver clasp.

The bracelet was a leather band with a plain silver clasp

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"Wow Emily, I love it" I said as I picked it up.

I sensed magic on it, making me narrow my eyes at it for a second.

"Order helped me spell it, so don't worry about the magic part" Emily said, making me relax as I looked at it with more detail.

"What is it spelled for?" I asked.

"Well, first off is that I have one too" she said, making me look at her to see one on her left wrist "Order knew how close we had grown and the bracelet is kinda like a safety for the both of us. The bracelet would let the other one know how they're feeling, and if they're in danger, teleport the other to them"

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