Chapter Eighteen

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A/ um hi?

I am so sorry for not writing or being on wattpad for a little while. Uni came back and I am trying to get my head around everything.

I have written this chapter though yay! The updates will be less frequent but the good thing is that it is all planned so I know what I'm writing. Let me know if there is anything in particular you want in the novel.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

(written 21/03/2021)

Next Day

Emily's POV

I nervously fiddled with my hands as Percy in disguise pulled up to the school gates. I took a shaky breath; I didn't want to come back. It makes me sick inside knowing that people know I am more than I seem. I know people will be shocked; they will also try to use me or maybe bully me. Especially Vanessa and Veronica, I am not looking forward to seeing them in person. At least Thomas is going through it as well. But he has it a little easier; people already love him, people ignore me. So they will be surprised or maybe not believe me.

"You okay Em?"

Percy's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, I turned to him and nodded.

"Are you sure? You've been sitting there staring into space for 5 minutes" Percy exclaimed "What's wrong?"

Emily sighed.

"I'm just nervous" I admitted "I don't know how people would react"

Percy sighed, looking at me with a soft smile.

"I know it will be a change and I know it will be weird" Percy stated "You can't control how people would react to news. Just know that Thomas and I will be able to help you"

"I'm sure I can defend my-"

"I have told Thomas to stay with you" Percy said, making me gasp.

"Dad! I can look after myself! I don't need a boy to do that!" I exclaimed, offended.

Percy looked at me wide eyed, worried.

"I know you can, sorry if it didn't seem like it" Percy said "You are one of the bravest girls I know. Thomas actually offered at first, he did mention your bullies and it seems he comes in a lot"

"I can't deny that" I replied softly.

I sighed.

"Fine" I exclaimed.

"Call me if anyone does anything" Percy said "Not just because I am your father but the fact that they could get sued if they injure you in anyway physically and mentally if it effects your job as an actress"

I nodded, now turning to the window to see Tania and someone else waiting outside the car door. The person lifted their head to reveal Thomas, who gave a small smile.

"That was a smart idea, should have brought a jumper" I said quietly.

"You two will be in this together, help each other out alright?" Percy asked, "Now I need to go; I have a couple of projects today which I need to get done"

I nodded and kissed him on the cheek, getting out the car.

"Hello Missy" Tania said, a slight smile on her face as she crossed her arms "When were you going to tell me that you're staring in a show?"

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly.

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