Chapter Six

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A/N I have one little note on this chapter (I mean there is a warning of swearing but apart from that). There is going to be a weird word which I never knew existed that I had used; 'manstress'. manstress is the male version of a mistress. That is something important to remember in this chapter.

Anyway, Enjoy!

~2 hours later~

Percy's POV

Emily and I laughed as we got into the house, satisfied with our full stomachs. 

"That guys face was hilarious" Emily said as I closed the door and turned the light on.

"Emily, you've been going on about this for 20 minutes now" I said, before smiling "I do think that it was funny though, perks of being a celebrity is that you get interactions like what when you go out and see fans"

Emily was laughing so hard tears was falling.

"I-I-I just can't!" she exclaimed as I put my car keys on the hook on the wall.

"I love how you find this so funny" I said as we walked into the kitchen dinning area, where I turned the light on there.

I widen my eyes as I see a figure leaning on the kitchen bench.

Within a second I summoned my sword and had it at the person's throat.

"Why are you-"

I stopped when I realised it was Andy, my manger.

I put my sword down.

"Can you not scare me like that?" I asked "Why are you even here anyway, don't you have more important things to do?"

"Percy" Emily warned, who was standing in the doorway behind me.

I turned around to look at her, surprising me as she had no fear in her eyes, even if she hadn't met Andy before.

"Who's that?" Andy asked sternly as I turned back to him, his eyes narrowed.

"I will answer that question when you tell me why the fuck you haven't replied to my texts" I snapped, making Andy jump at my tone.

"Hey! I'm a child!" Emily expressed.

"You swear all the time, don't patronise me" I said, rolling my eyes "Just go into your room please"


"I will be there in a second alright? I promised Mario Kart didn't I?" I said, not looking at her.

"I will beat you for the 100th time, let's go!" I heard her yell as she ran away, hearing footsteps up the stairs.

I looked at Andy, who's face is hard to read.

"Now, care to explain?" Andy asked.

I crossed my arms

"As I said, I want to be able to continue my career first before answer to you" I said.

Andy sighed, knowing how stubborn I am.

"I've been busy" he said.

"Bullshit" I said, narrowing my eyes "I know you've been working for Chaos, I understand that. But you could balance it before, why not now. And don't even try to cut me off as I know all of your little friends had a hang out yesterday, Order told me"

"They're your friends too" Andy said softly.

I turned away from him, walking into the kitchen.

"A friend doesn't distance themselves from other friends, a friend doesn't completely ignore your every text and call, a friend DOESN'T LEAVE A MENTALLY ILL PERSON AT HOME!" I started softly before yelling, looking Andy right in the eyes.

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