Chapter Thirty-One

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A/N Hello! Sorry for the late update, I've been having health problems I've been trying to get to the bottom of. But I have planned the rest of the book from here until the end; 10 chapters left including this one. The last chapter will be chapter thirty-nine; who's excited?

Anyway, enjoy this smallish chapter

[Author Note written 2/07/21]

Third POV - Jackson L.A household

~10 minutes later~

Ava after comforting Emily, decided to walk up the stairs, to where the recording studio would be. She is nervous, as she doesn't know what to say. She knows it's her fault for them being this way. And she knows because of her actions to believe her brother's outrageous claims that they were both hurting during the time apart.

She wants to make it work, as much as Percy wants her to have a stable relationship with her brother.

She knows now, after the phone call between Emily and Clay that Clay isn't the older brother she remembers.

Ava silently walks towards the door, hearing Percy humming and talking to himself.

She knocked softly, hoping he would hear.

She got nothing, making her sigh and slowly open the door.

She saw Percy with his back to her, facing the computer and humming, seemingly fixing something displayed on his screen.

Ava recognised the recording program and noticed instruments messily around where Percy was standing, including a familiar violin, that Ava recognises as Luna's. 

Ava, realising she is standing awkwardly in the open doorway, quickly closed the door behind her, putting her in this room alone with the unaware Percy.

She slowly and quietly walked towards the couch.

"Alright, alright, let's go!" Percy said suddenly, hyping himself up.

It startled Ava, making her almost trip over but she stabilised herself, sitting on the couch for Percy to start singing.

"Years ago

When I was younger
I kinda liked
A girl I knew" He started  "She was mine and we were sweethearts
That was then, but then it's true"

He swayed a bit, Ava often noticing when Percy really gets into what he does.

He put his hand on his left headphone.

"I'm in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts
'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind
I'm already cursed"

Ava was in awe of the emotion in his voice.

Yes, she's heard him sing multiple times.

But it was like she had forgotten his voice.

He has definitely improved since she last heard him.

"Every day we started fighting
Every night we fell in love
No one else could make me sadder
But no one else could lift me high above" Percy continued, tapping his foot on the ground.

"I don't know what I was doin'
But suddenly we fell apart Nowadays
I cannot find her
But when I do
We'll get a brand new start"

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