Chapter Eight

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A/N this is a small, filler chapter. I just wanted to show Percy's reaction to something before we get into the rest of the storyline, I will publish chapter nine right after publishing this.


~2 days later~

Percy's POV

I sighed as I watered the indoor plants with my powers.

Today is Sunday so Emily is relaxing in her room, trying to get as much rest as she can before a full week going between work and school.

I don't know why she still agreed to do normal school as well as filming.

Maybe because Thomas decided it as well.

But it is going to be emotionally exhausting for both of them.

I sighed, my mind going a million miles a second thinking about multiple things.

Like songs to write for myself.

Songs to write for the show.

Organising 'Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time' and whether or not that show is still going on (apparently budget cuts have hurt the production crew massively).

Sorting out Andy as my manger, and deciding to get a new one or not.

Figuring out the cancelled world tour reschedule dates as I never did it due to my wedding being moved forward. 

Trying to wrap my head around why most of the Greek world is ignoring me (which I don't mind, I just want an explanation).

Trying to figure out why Ava is ignoring me (which I do mind).

All these questions and thoughts are running through my head and I don't know where to start.

I waved my hand, the water droplets fading into the air molecules.

Why is everything more confusing at the moment?

Is it because of Andy not being here to organise my life or something else?

I shook my head, not wanting to think about those things.

It is my day off before everything starts to rush towards me so I want to relax as much as I can myself.

Which is why I did the most boring thing and water the plants.

I heard Emily speaking in the other room, which had me confused.

I carefully walked upstairs to where her room would be, the voice getting louder and louder.

And only then did I realise she was singing.

She was actually singing.

I still haven't heard her sing yet, which makes me curious as she must have talent to be able to get into a show with Issac directing it.

"...They're all around me

Circling like vultures" she sung, making me smile slightly.

She's singing my song.

"They wanna break me and wash away my colours" she sung as I got to her slightly open door, opening it a little more.

Emily is facing away from me as she cleaned her room, looking like she is rearranging her bookcase for what seems like the hundredth time.

She doesn't have any headphones in, but it doesn't stop her from singing.

"Wash away my colours!" she continued.

She turned towards the door, not seeing me as she smiled.

"Take me high and I'll sing

Oh you make everything okay (okay, okay, kay, okay, okay)
We are one and the same
Oh you take all of the pain away (away, away, way, away, away)
Save me if I become
My demons" she sung.

She definitely has a good voice, there is no question with that.

"I cannot stop this sickness taking over

It takes control and drags me into nowhere" she sung, making me smile faintly.

It reminds me of the times when I was with Nyx and fresh out of that relationship with Luna, and silently pleading for mental help.

"I need your help, I can't fight this forever
I know you're watching
I can feel you out there" she continued.

I was going to make a music video for this song.

I was going to make it an add on, or sequel to 'Nightmare' with a villain like character in it.

Basically the two sets where a sad me in my room with people like Mayla trying to get to me before it was too late, and the other set was myself trapped in the mental jail.

"Take me high and I'll sing

Oh you make everything okay (okay, okay, kay, okay, okay)
We are one and the same
Oh you take all of the pain away (away, away, way, away, away)
Save me if I become
My demons"

I was very excited to do it, but with the rest of my idea, Andy said against it, since it was going to be graphic.

I was going to have in the bridge and the instrumental myself trying to..hang myself...and then in the instrumental have actual footage of someone walking in on me without showing the video, only audio.

Thinking now, I think it would have been too much for the audience, but I liked the idea.

"Take me over the walls below

Fly forever
Don't let me go
I need a savior to heal my pain
I've become my worst enemy
The enemy" 

I think it's time to interrupt.

"Never knew you knew that song"

Emily jumped, startled my by voice as I walked in, leaning on the doorframe.

"Nice voice by the way, you're very talented" I continued.

Emily had her hand to her chest.

"Don't scare me like that Percy" Emily exclaimed "You would give me a heart attack!"

I chuckled.

"But really, you have a really beautiful voice Emily" I said, smiling faintly.

She blushed with embarrassment.

"T-Thanks Percy" she stammered out.

I could tell by her posture that she was very anxious about the situation.

"I didn't mean to come in" I quickly said "I didn't mean to interrupt-"

"It's alright" Emily said, "As long as you don't give me a scare again then I'm good"

I nodded.

"I can't wait for you to sing the songs during rehearsal" I said, making her widen her eyes.

"I need to do that, don't I?" she asked nervously.

"You will be fine" I said "You are very talented and no one will judge you, I promise" 

"Are you sure?" she asked "What about Thom-"

"If he says anything, you know he will be speaking me me" I said sternly before smiling "Anyway, I'm about to make lunch, do you want anything?"

"Can you make me a grilled toasty?"

"Sure, one grilled toasty coming right up!"

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