Chapter One

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Percy/Luke's POV

I groaned as the fall sun shined into my eyes, making me roll over. 

I sighed, sitting up lazily as I checked the time; 8am.

I shrugged, it's not like I have to be anywhere anymore.

No filming, no music.

I technically can't do anything without Andy or Luke Castallen, but he's either too busy with Chaos or with other clients now.

He, like other people, haven't spoken to me in a while.

I'm just alone in this big house which was once full of life and happiness.

What happened?

What flicked the switch for me to be alone again?

Not even Ava replies to my texts.

It makes me even more worried that the paparazzi have taken pictures of her with another male, and spreading rumours that she is having an affair.

I know from last time she wouldn't do that...right?

I have tried to talk to her about it but all I get is 'hi' or 'bye'; nothing long at all. 

It was like after we got married everything changed.

I felt fear creep inside of me, making me feel sick to the stomach.

Is she using me? Are they all using me?

I shook off that feeling and got out of bed, my feet touching the cold wooden floors, making me take them off it alarmed.

I grabbed some socks and put them on, standing on the wooden floors without the coldness.

"Hey Percy, where are you?"

I sighed as I walked down the stairs into the kitchen, where a 16 year-old girl sat at the kitchen bench with orange juice, toast and homework in front of her.

"I'm here, just woke up" I said, making her turn to me. 

I walked over to her and hugged her, making her squeal.

"Let go of me!" she exclaimed, making me laugh.

"You have anything planned today?" I asked as I let go.

She looked at me like I was stupid.

"I have school, duh, at that rich school you put me in" she expressed.

"I know you go to Havard-Westlake, but after school" I asked as I walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge door.

"Probably come home and do homework" she replied, shrugging "They don't like me there"

I sighed, closing the fridge as I took the orange juice out. 

I turned to her, her straight dirty blonde hair covering her grey eyes.

When I first saw her, I thought she was a demigod of Athena but boy was I wrong.

"Some people are rich assholes, be lucky you aren't one" I said slowly "Just stay true to yourself and if they don't like it, then they can fuck themseleves"

"Percy!" she exclaimed, making me laugh.

"But seriously, if they hurt you in anyway I will send them to the Void" I said seriously. 

She rolled her eyes but laughed.

"Okay, whatever you say" she said, eating your toast "Have you spoken to Ava?"

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