Chapter 12

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New pov's starting from this chapter forward. Gotta let you get a peek from the outsiders...

New beginnings & Enemies

Solange P. Knowles

I knew their relationship wasn't gonna last long. No disrespect to my sister, but she was very naive. So caught up in being in love, she was blinded to him pushing her around all the time. I can't stand the sight of Jay. I knew him before Bey, and he tried getting with me long before my sister. He didn't even know I had a sister, until he saw us together. She didn't see it, but I knew it was all just a game to get back at me. I tried telling her but it all went wrong..

* flashback*

" Can somebody please tell me, what's going ! " Beyoncé yelled, angrily. I think it's time I tell her the truth, " Can you calm down? " I asked, rolling my eyes. I was highly frustrated from her and Jay arguing the whole day. It was way too hot in this Texas weather, to be screaming at one another. Just because she didn't do what he wanted, " Why you keep letting him push you around? " I asked. " Man, shut up! " He huffed, " you always wanna start some shit. " He groaned. She walked off into the house, probably going to tell ma what's going on. He mugged me, " see how easy it is.. " he simply said. " What does that mean? " I asked, with attitude in my voice. " Your precious big sister, loves me.. " he sighed, letting out laugh. " She'll believe me, before she believes you. " He said, before walking into the house.

I have to tell her, because it'll hurt more later. I made up my mind, slowly walking to the house. " Mommy! Look what uncle Jay got me! " Julez ran up to me. He held his PSP in his tiny little hands, " that's nice, baby. Did you say thank you? " I asked him. He nodded, " yes.. wanna play with me? " He held out the game. I picked him up, " sure, just let me talk to your auntie Bey first, okay? " I told him, walking up the spiral steps. " She's with Nana, in the other room. " He pointed towards the door. I put him down, " Okay, go to your room and play. I'll be in there. " I said, as he ran off into his room. I took a deep breath before walking in the room. Lord knows, mama's about to go off. When I opened the door, she sat on the edge of the bed, with Bey laying in her lap. She pierced her eyes at me, " Solange, what did you do? " She asked me. How can she just assume I was the cause to this problem. I opened my mouth, but closed it instantly. Knowing I was gonna say something, I would definitely regret later.

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