Chapter 24 part: II

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Beyoncé G. Knowles

"You looking good for 27." Redd hugged me.

I laughed, "thank you, we gotta go." I grabbed my phone from the charger.

Kheri was still in Michael's lap, wrapped in his arms like a baby. "Com'on we have to get Ciara." I told her, walking towards the door.

"Aye tell ya girl to hit me up." Redd smirked.

"Maybe," I laughed walking out with Kheri close behind.

The whole ride to Shad's house, Kheri complained about how hungry she was. Even though Michael just fed her, I think he's spoiling her too much.

The rest of her pregnancy will be a nightmare for us.

I dialed Ciara's number when I parked, but it went to voicemail.

"She better be ready," we got out of the car, walking to his front door.

Kheri knocked on the door, "Ciara come on!" She whined.

I couldn't do nothing but laugh, her mood swings are crazy. After awhile the door opened. Shad stood before us with no shirt on, with the biggest smile on his face.

"Happy birthday, beautiful." I hugged him.

"Thanks, where's Ciara?" I asked, stepping inside.

Kheri pushed passed him, "why you take so long?" She sat down at kitchen table.

"No love today?" He asked, with arms wide open.

I looked around the living room, going back into the kitchen.
"Shad where Ciara?" I looked at the smirk on his face.

"She's ummm.. in the bathroom. In my room." He hesitated, scratching his head. Before I made it down the hall, she came out of one of the rooms.

Combing through her hair nervously, she bit her lip. "Hey, y'all ready?"

She done got the D, it's all over her face.

"Mhm, let's go. We'll see you later Shad." Kheri eyed him, making him laugh. Ciara hugged him, "thank you." She kissed his cheek.

"It was long overdue Princess." He said. You could tell by looking at them, sparks are flying. He can't keep a smile off his face, when he looks at her.

"Alrightttt." Kheri grabbed Ciara's hand, pulling her out the door. He laughed shutting the door behind us.

"Happy birthday Beyy!!" Ciara hugged me once we got in the truck. "Thank you, now what were you and Shad doing?" I asked, leaving his house.

She got quiet, "well at first nothing." We all starting laughing. "Forreal tho guys, I'm worried about him." She sounded concerned.

"Why?" Kheri asked.

"I found these pills, they help with OCD, bulimia, depression & panic disorder." She explained. " I didn't say anything, cause I don't know what to say." She rambled. I started to worry too, he's like my little big brother.

Christopher M. Brown

"It's gonna be packed in here, I can see it now." Solange was looking around the club. It was big but ya know, I'm here so it's gonna be a lot of people in here. She had some guy with her, He looks nothing like Julez so it couldn't get be her husband.

"Uncle Chris, can I come?" Julez asked, I had him up on my shoulders.

"Nah lil man, you can't come to this party." I said. "But, when your birthday comes around, just tell me what you want and Uncle Chris got you alright?" I told him, putting him back on the floor.

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