Chapter 27

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Christopher M. Brown

"Somebody tell me where the fuck Bey is!" I yelled. Ty grabbed the gun from my hand, pushing me into the truck.

Spots of blood were on my shirt and my hand. I heard Nicki yelling at someone on the phone.

"Chris you gotta be safe out hea." August said, coming to the window.

"It don't matter. Them nigguh's gone." I say. "Where is Beyoncé?" I asked again, trying to keep calm.

August and Kevin looked at each other, like they didn't wanna tell me. "Breezy, they got Bey." Kevin says, rubbing his head.

"The fuck you mean they got her?!" I opened the door. getting back out.

"Look, before I burned ol' boy, he said some bout kidnapping ya girl." Kevin told me.

I flipped out, kicking the truck putting a dent in the door. Fuck! If he ain't dead, he's definitely gone. "Imma take the girls home, and we'll figure this shit out." Ty says, going back inside the building.

"I'm sorry Chris, I was just about to take her home but I went back in the building." Nicki says, turning to look at her driver. He immediately got back into their truck, waiting for her.

I pulled out my phone calling Lela, she was back in the building with the others. "Chris! How are you hosting a party and not here." She yells into the phone.

"I need you and the girls out here now. Ty gonna take y'all back to Bey's moms house." I tell her, pacing back and forth. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Jay was here and some shit happened, I gotta go find Bey. Andraya ass is in there, point her out to Pat and have him bring her to me." I explain before hanging up.

I decided to take off my shirt, it was evidence now. Pacing back and forth, my mind was racing like hell right now. Andraya ass better tell me what I need to know.

"Chris! Where's Bey?! I heard shots is she okay??" Solo questioned me. The girls following behind her, "look y'all, Ty's gonna take y'all home." I told them. I really didn't want to tell them their sister was kidnapped at her own fucking party.

"I'm not going no where until I talk to her. Where is she Chris?" She asked again. Before I could answer her, Pat was dragging Andraya from the club's back door by her arm.

"What the fuck! Let me go! Who the fuck are you anyway?" She tried yanking her arm away.

Looking at her had me in rage all over again, "Jay ass is done. So you better tell me who the fuck took Beyoncé." I say as calmly as possible.

She smiled a little then laughed, "that's a grown woman Christopher. How am I suppose to known where she went?" She challenged me.

Before I could say another word, Kheri hauled off and smacked her. She knocked her off balance, she stumbled around.

"Look bitch, he not gon' ask you again! & Imma break ya fucking neck!" Solo grabbed her by the weave, wrapping it around her hand.

"Look I don't know! He has some friends, I can take you to them." She cried, her head bent sideways. Solo pushed her away, making her stumble back into Pat.

"Take her ass to the truck." I say. He nods, picking her up swiftly walking away. The girls looked around at the lot that was starting to empty out. "Chris what happened?" Ciara asked.

Ty looked at me, "we gonna get her back bro, don't even sweat it." He took ahold of Kheri's hand. "Come on we'll tell y'all everything, but we get outta here." He told them.

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