Chapter 2

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Girls Night

Beyoncé G. Knowles

When I got home , my bestfriend's cars were outside . " Damn, how ya'll beat me to my own house? " I asked , Kheri when she got out of the car . " The question is , why it take you 25 minutes to get here? " Ciara had asked , with a stupid grin on her face. " I was playing with Chris. And I already know what y'all gotta say .. we're cool . " I told them , unlocking my house . They both looked at each other , giving them " yea right " looks. They bust out laughing , " Bey , whatever . If I'm with Chris Brown for a whole hour by myself , there wouldn't be no type of playing. " Kheri bit her bottom , giggling . " Whatever , nasty asses. I'm going to get dressed . " I walked off into my bedroom , going through my dresser .

I saw my favorite white crop top , that had " FLAWLESS " on it in bold black letters. I grabbed some black leather leggings , and my black and gold stilettos . Once I got dressed and sprayed myself , with some perfume . I put on my custom made , gold chain that had " Queen-Bey " on it . I stood in front of my full sized mirror , and snapped pictures for instagram . I uploaded the best one with the caption ;

- " Walking through , all eyes on me . Feeling like Tupac . #Thuglife #Flawless "

I walked into the living room , where I left Ciara and Kheri sitting. " Let's go, slow asses . " I joked , headed out the door. " I know damn well, she didn't just call us slow. " Kheri said to Ciara. " Mhm .We riding in yo truck tonight. " Ciara said , racing to the passenger seat. Ugh, this girl stay hyped up for no reason. I hit the locks and climbed into the drivers seat. I started the car , and proceeded my way downtown. Cee had turned on the radio, and Chris Brown's " Love More " single was blasting through my speakers.

Kheri had burst into laughter, " what a coincidence. " She said in between laughing. I had let out a soft laugh , " Oh my god, don't start. " I told her. " Girl, you done met the nigguh . Spent at least 2 hours alone with him. " She went on . " Then, it's gonna be like that for a while. Girl I would've been pregnant already. " She said, and even though she laughed. She meant every word. " I'm happy with Jay, okay. Me and Chris aren't anything, but ... " I stopped 'cause, what exactly are we? We just met, and even though I came off a little stuck up. We have a little bond going on.

" See, you can't even lie good. " Kheri had leaned in between, the front seats. " I wasn't thinking about a lie, just something else. " I had lied. She ain't need to know, 'cause all she's gonna do is continue on. We finally made it to Onyx, and I was ready to turn up. Me and my girls know people, so we skipped the line and headed straight in. Men and women were everywhere. All over each other, at the bar, by the bathrooms, and even in VIP.

We walked over to the bar, ordered a couple of drinks and chat with some of everybody that sat there too. " Aye, word is The Game and his crew up in VIP right now. " This tall, lanky, brother told Kheri . She almost spit out her drank , from excitement. " We need to go, like now! " She grabbed me and Ciara's hands. As we walked up the steps, we seen a long line of girls anxiously waiting. Kheri pulled us up the steps, in front of the line. Girls started smacking their lips, and getting pissed.

" Dre, let me through. " She let out a sigh of exhaustion. " Sorry sis, not this time. I gotta keep it tight, tonight. " He had told her, flashing his smile. " Dre , I swear if you don't let me pass this ro - " " Ayee , let babygirl in . " A handsome Tyga, had told Dre . Kheri instantly started glowing, and I knew right then. She wasn't gonna be going home tonight. Dre grabbed her arm and whispered, " you better behave yourself. I don't give a fuck about no famous nigguhs. " Oh shit! Big brother instincts are kicking in. " Shut up , I'm grown as hell. I ain't no kid, Dre . " She told him , as we entered the VIP section.

Cee and I sat beside each other on the plush red sofa, drinking . " Girl , Kheri be wildin' out . " Ciara finally spoke. " Pshh! I know right. Aye, there go The Game . " I pointed out. " Oh, his sexy ass . Where at? " She asked. I pulled her head closer, and pointed " right there! Next to ... Chris?? " I squinted my eyes. The blond hair and exotic tattoos, I knew it was him. " Girl, this is crazy. How ironic for you two to be here, at the same time. " Cee gushed. I just stared at him, while I finished my drink.

This is kinda crazy , as I thought about it. I wouldn't expect him to be at a normal club, like Onyx. By the time so many people walked past, he wasn't sitting there anymore. " Am I tripping?? " I asked. " Nah, not at all sweetheart. " I heard a voice say. When I turned around, it was nobody other than Chris himself. " What are you doing, here? " I jumped. Seeing his attire was nothing but some cargo shorts, some all white polo tennis shoes with the black logo, and some Ralph Lauren briefs . I admit, he looks hella sexy right now. But, I have a man that I'm very committed to.

" Me and my nigguhs, just out turning up. You know business gets hectic, barely spending time. But when we're together, turn down for what! " He yelled , with his cute little grin on his face. " Mhmm, I see you way too turnt up. " I laughed. " So what. " He said, sitting on my lap. " Omgee, Chris. You're too big to sitting on me! " I laughed, pushing his sweaty body but he didn't budge. " Uhh, Ciara ! Could you help me? " I asked, struggling to get him off of me. " She the one who called me over here in the first place. Yo friend is my friend, now. " He stuck his tongue out. I turned , cutting my eyes at her.

She just laughed , " You kept staring, and wouldn't answer nobody. So I waved him over. " She said , taking another sip of her drank.

Chris turned around and smiled at me, " See. You be staring at me, Bey . " He laughed. Ciara just gassed him up, ALL the way. " So, they are my eyes. " I defended myself. " Yea, but on my body. I thought you had a boyfriend . "He grabbed my hands, biting his full, pink bottom lip. I let out a sigh, " I do. Now can you please get off of me. " I became quickly irritated. He stood up, and looked down at me. " Iight, Bey. Just chill ma. " He spoke, in his calm voice. " Don't call me that. " I quickly, spoke up.  He let out a frustrating breath, " I'm just tryna be your friend, that's all. I respect you and your relationship, iight. " He told me. I looked up at him with my arms folded, " ... Thank you. " I replied.

He nodded his head, and walked off. " Oh. Nice meeting you, Ciara. " He gave a half smile, and waved. " You too. " She smiled. I watched as he disappeared into the crowded VIP area. " Beyoncé! " She yelled , and slapped my arm. " Ow! Why'd you do that? " I turned to her. " Because, he's obviously tryna be your friend. " She pointed out. " By flirting. " I simply said. " Oh my God!! Bey, that's what men do. It's harmless flirting. " She yapped on. " Okay, dang. " I told her, just so she would shut up. I mean, I guess I got an attitude too fast. I'll see him tomorrow, though.

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