Chapter 20

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Princess C. Harris

Yes my name is Princess, but I don't like being called that. Anywho, this box from Shad is making me very nervous. I haven't really talked to him since our breakup, it was horrible. I sat on the bed, studying the box a little more. " Just open the box already, damn. " Solo said, passing by my bedroom door. I got up and shut the door, quickly. " Nosey ass. " I groaned, before climbing back into bed. I took in a deep breath, " here goes nothing.. " I grabbed the box cutter, and began cutting open the sealed box.

I opened it, finding a bunch of our old pictures, a couple of his shirts I wore, the promise ring he gave me, and a bundle of letters. I looked through the pictures, but one stood out most to me. He had me on his back, while standing by the pool. It was his 19th birthday and he was wasted. That night, he told me he loved me. I thought he was just saying things, so I made him go to sleep. But sure enough, he mentioned it the next morning. I smiled to myself, remembering how good it felt to be loved.

One of the envelopes said :

To : Princess

From : Your #1

I tore open the evenlope, unfolding the letter.


I'm not sure if I should even do this. I tried to contact you numerous times but, I know you're avoiding me. I understand that what I did was wrong. I should've been honest with you, the first time around. But I haven't and that's why I'm writing this, to you. I'm sorry that I cheated on you.. It was just a one night stand, and now I'm attached to this stranger for the rest of my life. Mila is having my son, when it's supposed to be you.
I hope you could forgive me, one day.. Maybe even give me another chance. I'm giving you the promise ring, I hope you keep it. As long as I live, I'll always keep my promise to you. I will always protect you, love you, and never leave your side.
I miss you Princess,

I quickly wiped away my tears. I still can't get over the fact that, he has a family with someone else. It was supposed to be us, now it's just me. I was a mess after our breakup. Shad was my first.. hell, everything. We were inseparable in Elementary and Junior High. He was my bestfriend, before I met Beyoncé and Kheri. He was the one who even introduced us.

I grabbed the letters, putting everything else back in the box, and sliding it under the bed. I laid out acrossed the bed, and started reading another one.

Shawn C. Carter

" I don't like that dude, yo. He's a wack ass nigguh. " I said through gritted teeth. " Baby relax.. here, take these pills. " Andraya sat on my lap, going through her purse. She gave me two small little pills, " It should help with your headache. " I looked at the TV screen, that was mounted on the wall. " Chris Brown and his new girlfriend, Beyoncé. Or, as he likes to call her, his 'Bumble Bey '. Has been spotted with friends and rapper, ' Tyga ' in Houston Texas. " I felt my headache get stronger, as I grew angry.

" Her birthday is in two more days, as we recently found out. I wonder why would he take her to Texas, of all places. " This shit ain't over.. " I mumbled. " Draya hand me my phone, now. " I told her, not takng my eyes off of the television. She got off of my lap, grabbing my phone from its charger. I took the phone, scrolling through my contacts and pressed call. The phone rung several times before I got an answer, " Hello Sheriff Dickson, I would like to file a police report against Chris Brown. " I spoke through gritted teeth..

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