Chapter 17

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This can't be the end..

Christopher M. Brown

" You need to learn how to control your anger! You were doing good, but now you're fighting your girlfriends ex! " Lela was down my throat. But, I don't even care what she's talking bout. My mind is on Beyoncé. She really didn't wanna talk to me. I asked was she okay and she told me yea. I tried to call Ciara, but she wasn't answering either. " Chris! Are you even listening to me? " An angry Lela was standing before me. " I hear you, iight. " I was getting annoyed. She sighed, then sat on the couch next to me. " I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just care about you, and I don't wanna see your career ruined. " She rubbed her head. I wrapped my arm around her, hugging her gently. " My career won't get ruined, okay. I can manage my anger.. It's just when people fuck with what's mine, I don't care about anything. " I said, honestly.

" I get that. But, you also have to think of what's gonna happen after that. " She said seriously. I nodded, " I understand. " I told her, before getting up. I need to go see Beyoncé. " Where are you going? " She asked me. " Over Bey's house.. I gotta see what's going on. " I mumbled, putting on my Black Pyramid sweater. " Oh... " She looked at me, then stood up. " Well, be careful okay. " She grabbed her MK bag, and we both headed towards the door. I looked down at her, " I will, Lela. " She hugged me, then kissed my cheek. I opened the door for her, and we left.

I drove my Lamborghini. I did damn near 120 mph, on my way there. I saw Kheri's Camaro, and Hailey's 2015 Impala. I hesitated to knock. I felt a little nervous, cause Solo is crazy. She already called and went off on me, like I did something. I shook the feeling off, as the door opened. Ciara stood before me, " you need to talk to her. " was all she said, before she stepped aside. I walked in and spoke to everybody, including Solo. I went straight to her room and opened the door. She had Julez wrapped in her arms, as they slept peacefully. It really was a Kodak moment, but no time for picture taking. I shook her a little, " Babe, wake up. " I said softly. She groaned, rubbing her eyes. I sat on the edge of the bed, " Bey what's wrong? " I asked her. She opened her eyes, looking at me. " Chris... when did you get here? " She spoke softly.

" Just a few minutes ago.. " I told her. She removed her arms from around Julez, and sat up. " Can you tell me what's wrong? " I asked again. She looked everywhere, but at me. " You love me, Chris... " She said quietly. I was confused, " yea.. I've developed this love for you. " I told her. She shook her head, " Chris... I can't. " She replied. " You can't what? " I asked her. " I can't... I can't love you, Chris. " She looked up, with tears in her eyes. " Bey... " I calmly spoke. " No, I can't! " She started to yell. " Chris, I've loved once, and I got hurt! " She cried. " I was blinded, dumb, and too naive! I let someone take advantage of me, because I loved! " Tears were streaming down her face. I held her hand, " I'm not Shawn, iight. I'm not a nigguh, that's tryna play you. " I told her.

" I love you Beyoncé, and I wouldn't play you like that. " I talked to her. She still shook her head, no. I became angry, " so, what now then Bey? " I asked her. She still didn't make any eye contact with me. " You want me to go? " I asked her. She cried, shaking her head " no. " Julez started moving, he must be waking up. I picked him up and held him, " I'm sorry for all the noise, little man. " I sighed. Beyoncé got out of the bed, " where you going Bey? " I asked her. " To the bathroom.. " She replied. I stood up with Julez, and went to go sit with everyone else. They all just stared at me, " I'm sorry, y'all. " I muttered.
" That was intense... " Kheri said. " You iight, man? " Hailey asked. I nodded my head, " she's still healing, Chris. Just give her time. " Ciara tried to assure me.

Julez squirmed in my arms, " you woke buddy? " I asked him. He rubbed his eyes, " Where's my auntie? " He looked up at me. " She's in the bathroom. " I told him. He sat up on my lap, and laid against my chest. " Uncle Chris.. She is really sad. " He told me. Everyone looked at him, " Why is she sad? " I asked him. " She's scared, and she don't wanna love anymore... Does that mean, she doesn't wanna love me? " He asked, sounding sad. " Awwee! " all the girls cooed in unison. I stood him up on my lap, " she's gonna always love you, buddy.. " I started. " I'm the one that should be worried. " I told him. " Why? " He asked. I sighed, hanging my head. " Cause, she might not love me. " He patted my head, " I'll help you. " He said.

Beyoncé had came out of the bathroom, standing against the wall of the living room. Julez hopped off of my lap and went over to her, " Hey, sweetie. " She forced a smile on her face. " Auntie, you made Uncle Chris sad. " He told her. " No, Julez it's okay, she didn't try to. " I stood up, " I gotta go. " I glanced at Bey, but she refused to look at me. " Bye sis, " I hugged Ciara, Solo, and Kheri. I slapped hands with Hailey, " it gets better. " She told me. I walked to the door and Julez followed me. " You coming back? " He asked me. He quickly became attached to me, and I loved it. " I don't know, buddy. " I squat beside him. " You not gonna say bye to Auntie? " He asked.

" I don't need to.. " I held my arms out. He hugged me tightly, " Bye, uncle Chris. " I hugged him back, then stood up. I looked at Beyoncé, she had tears in her eyes. I just turned around, and walked out of the door. I felt the anger build up inside of me, " Ugh! " I yelled. I went and sat on the hood of my car. I was so close to hitting it, but I knew I would regret it in the morning. I pulled out my phone, and called the one person I knew who would calm me down. The phone rung four times, before they answered. " Hello? " Her soft voice came through the phone. " Rih, I know you might be busy but, I really need someone to talk to. " I sighed, rubbing my head. " What's wrong? " She sounded concerned. " Have you ever like... been with someone.. but.. " I hesitated to get my question out.

" But what, Chris? " She asked. Her Bajan accent is life. I couldn't help but smile. I laughed a little bit, " what's funny? " She asked. " I didn't realize how much I missed your voice until now. " I said, still smiling. She sighed, I knew she was smiling on the other side. " Chris, what do you wanna talk about? " She asked. I heard Ciara coming outside, " I thought you left. " She said, walking to her car. " I'm on the phone, " I told her. " Who's that? " Rihanna asked. " She's a friend. " I told her. " Don't leave just yet. She'll calm down, and eventually talk to you. " Cee said. " I hope so.. " I muttered. " So, are you gonna tell me what's wrong? " She asked, impatiently.

Just then, my phone had lit up. I looked at screen seeing it was Bey calling. " I'll call you back, Rih. " I told her. " You better tell me what's wrong. " She said. I answered the phone, " yo.. " I heard her light breathing, " I didn't want you to leave. " She spoke softly. I sighed, " why won't you just talk to me. " I clenched my jaws, feeling angry again. I wasn't gonna let her hear it though, " it's hard to now! " She cried. " How is it hard? " Anger seeped through my voice. " You love me! And I can't even look at you, and say the same! " She cried even harder. " I'm scared to love again... And I don't want you to love someone, who can't even love you the same. " It grew silent for a while, then she hung up.

I wish I was high..

I calmed myself as I walked up the steps, to her porch. I knocked and waited on someone. Kheri opened the door, " go talk to her. If she won't listen, make her listen. " She stepped aside to let me in. " Bey! " I called out her name. I saw Julez peak around the corner, " you came back! " He ran up to me. I smiled, " I never left, kid. " I told him. Bey had came into the living room. Her honey blonde hair was now, everywhere. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying. I wrapped my arms around, hugging her tightly. She cried into my shoulder, " baby, look at me. " She looked at me, with tears in her eyes. I wiped some away, " I love you Beyoncé. I know that you'll have a hard time, coming around. I understand that you're still hurting.. " I said, looking into her hazel eyes.

" ... I wanna show you what real love is. And, I wouldn't mind waiting until you come around. As long as you want this relationship.. I'm all in. " I told her. She managed to smile through her tears. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach, " I want this. " She said, sniffling. I kissed her deeply, biting and sucking on her bottom lip. " Okay, enough face sucking. " Kheri interrupted, pushing us away from each other. " Bey, I gotta tell you something.. " she said, kinda nervously. I wonder if it's about her possibly, being pregnant. We all sat down on the couch, preparing for what she was about to say.

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