Chapter 14

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Comfortable Silence

Beyoncé G. Knowles

My girls and I, have been sitting in the waiting room of the hospital for about 3 hours. Julez cried, when he saw Solange getting taken away by the ambulance. I finally got him to calm down, and he fell asleep in my lap. I've never been so scared in my life. Seeing my sister lying on the floor, like she was dead. It was all Jay's fault! He just had to come over. He admits to everything, tells me he loves me, and kisses me. I have to tell Chris, cause I wouldn't want him to keep a secret about someone kissing him. I just hope he doesn't get mad. I looked around, seeing Kheri head on Hailey's shoulder. They both were sleep, while Cee and Lauren sat next to eachother, with their eyes barely open. They were taking forever to tell me, what was going on with my sister. I played on my phone, until the door swung open and the doctor coming out. " Family of Solange Knowles? " He called out. I hurried and picked Julez up, as I got up making my way towards him.

" I'm her sister, Beyoncé. Is she gonna be okay? " I asked, worriedly. " She's gonna be fine. When she hit the back of her head, on the wall, there's a nerve. Which caused her to black out.. She's lucky cause it could've made her paralyzed. " He explained, looking at her chart. " Thank God. Can we see her? " I asked. " Sure, but be really quiet, she has a mild headache. " He said. When he gave me the room number, I woke up Ciara and Kheri so we could all go. When I opened up the door, she was sitting up in the hospital bed watching TV. " You doing alright? " I asked, holding a sleeping Julez in my arms. " I'm fine, just a huge headache. " She groaned. She sat up, " give him to me. " She reached for Julez. When she grabbed him, he woke up. " Mommy, you okay? " He asked, rubbing his eyes. She nodded, " I'm okay, baby. " She assured him, kissing his head. He layed on her chest, and fell asleep again. " So, what are you gonna do? " She asked me, while playing in Julez curly hair.

I knew what she was talking about, " I have to tell Chris. I wouldn't want him to keep secrets from me. " I said. " He's gonna get mad.. " Kheri said. " Yea, they already don't get along. " I sighed. I just don't want anything bad to happen, cause I'm positive that Chris' bad side is horrible. " What time is it? " Solange asked. " 7:15 . " Hailey answered, sounding tired. My phone had started to ring, " Hello? " I answered. " Hey, I was calling you back. I'm getting ready to head out to the arena. " Chris voice came through the phone. " Good Luck, babe. " I said happily. " I got this, " he said arrogantly. " What you doing? " He asked. I sighed, looking over at Solo in bed. " I'm at the hospital.. " I paused. " Are you okay? " he said concerned. " Yes, I'm okay. Solange is in the hospital. " I told him. " What happened? " he asked. " Jay came over to talk to me and- " I got cut off. " What did he do? " I heard a bit of anger in his voice. I became nervous, " he apologized and asked me to forgive him, and... " I stopped, thinking if I should tell him. " And what? " He cut the silence. " He kissed me.. but I pushed him away, and- " I heard a beep in my ear.

He hung up on me...

I looked around the room, seeing them looking at me. " What did he say? " Ciara asked. " He hung up on me. " I answered, quietly. " He won't be mad for long. " She said, trying to make me feel better. I've never seen him upset, so I don't know what's gonna happen. He didn't even let me finish explaining. " Where's the doctor? I wonder if they'll let you come home. " I changed the subject. I was worrying myself too much. I stepped out of the room to get the doctor. " Excuse me, is my sister able to go home? " I asked him. He gave me her prescription for her headaches, " yea, she'll be fine. " He answered. I gave a small smile, " thanks. " I replied. I went back to the room, and help gather her stuff. The ride home was very quiet, but we all were thinking the same thing.

Hailey, Lauren, Ciara, and Kheri went home. Solo took her medicine and went to sleep. While I sat up in my bed, thinking and watching Julez sleep. It was only 9 now, and I haven't got anything from Chris yet. I got on Instagram to see if he put up anything. He posted a video of him and Sevyn Streeter, singing and joking around. I laughed a little, I missed him. I decided to just go to sleep, he's probably out partying.

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