Chapter 19

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Hey mama!

Beyoncé G. Knowles

" Beyoncé, wake up! "

" Bey! "

" Auntie, we in the air again. "

In the air? Something must be wrong with Julez.

" Maybe she's just a little tired. We've been up all night. " I heard Chris laughing. " Bro, too much information. " Ciara said in disgust. I fluttered my eyelids, opening them slowly. My vision of them all became clear.

" Surprise! " They all yelled. Julez looked around, " I wasn't ready yet. " He said, playing with his cars. I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face. I noticed what I was sleeping in, was definetly not my bed. " Um, where am I? " I asked, squinting my eyes at the light. Chris looked at his phone screen, " we have about 20 minutes 'til landing. I think she could wait. " He told Solo. I looked at her with a puppy face, but she only smiled. " You'll see. " I groaned, sitting up. Kheri and Ciara came to sit next to me. " Hey, sleepy head. " Cee played in my messy hair.

" So, I have to tell you something. " Kheri said hesitantly. I looked at her to proceed. " um, I'm... pregnant. " She uttered. " You're what?! " I screamed excitedly. I jumped up but she pulled me back down, beside her. " Bey, I don't know exactly who the dad is. " She whispered. I frowned my face, " what do you mean? " She couldn't honestly be that stupid, to be having sex with two people at once. " I was with Michael and Andrew, both. " She lowered her voice.

I mentally face palmed myself, " I'm happy for you but, you need to find out who's the father. " I told her. She nodded, " I know. I'm really hoping it's Michael's. He really wants another baby. " She said, happily. " So you two are together? " I asked. She nodded her head, grinning. " Why am I always the single one? " Ciara butted in. " Am I ugly? " She asked. We all looked at eachother, then burst into laughter.

" That was a good one. " She said, making us all shake our head. I got up making my way over to Chris, " where the hell are we? " I grabbed his hand. He chuckled, smiling down upon me. " We're about to land girl, sit that ass down. " He kissed my forehead. I laughed, pushing him off of me. " Tell me! " I whined, pouting. " Everybody sit down, we're about to land. " The pilot's voice boomed through the intercom. He pulled me down on his lap. " I don't wanna sit on you. " I told him, laying back against his chest. I looked around the plane, seeing Lela sitting across from us.

She waved shyly, " Hey, you were knocked out. " She joked, letting out a small laugh. " Yea, I was pretty tired. Thanks to his ass. " I pointed at Chris, making him bite my finger. " Ow! " I whined, snatching my finger away. " You'll be alright. " He muttered. She just watched us interact. I didn't really know what to think about her. I don't even know her. However, she goes crazy on Chris about a " proposal " . Seems like jealousy but, I could be wrong. Once we safely landed, we grabbed our bags and headed to the airport.

" Welcome to Houston, Texas. Hope you enjoyed your flight. " One of the workers, greeted. I almost screeched from my excitement. Chris look at me smiling, " surprise. " He said. I kissed him, " you always surprise me. " I smiled on his lips. " Okay! We get that you're happy, but the slums are on our ass. " Kheri pointed out. We hurried into our awaiting, black SUV's. Solo, Julez, Chris, and I got in the first one. While, Michael, Kheri, and Ciara were in the second one.

" I gotta call mama, or she's gonna hurt me. " I picked up my phone. " I already talk to her. She said she'll be waiting on us. " Solo chimed in. I danced in my seat, causing Chris to look at me confused. " You alright, Bey. " He chuckled. " Mhm. I can't wait to lay in my bed. " I sighed. " You can't go back to sleep, Auntie. " Julez said. We all laughed, " she won't be going to sleep for a while. " Solange eyed me and Chris. " Don't look at me! He's the one always starting it. I just finish the job. " I shrugged my shoulders, laying back in my seat.

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