Chapter 5

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Christopher M. Brown

" If I couldn't blink.. would I still be able to see you? I couldn't imagine..Without arms could I reach.. no way could I ever hold you. I need these things, like I need you. If you had a choice, what would you choose? " I had sung into the microphone. My nigguh Kid Redd was here, engineering for me. " Alright man, cut the track. I need a break. " I had told him. I took the headphones off, and hung them on the mic. I walked out of the booth, and sat beside him. I had finally decided to text Bey.

- Christopher Columbus misses you, very much xc ..

I had texted her with this huge grin on my face. My phone had buzzed, notifying me I had a message.

- ... Not now Chris v__v .

She had responded with this little, depressed looking emoji. I decided on calling her, " you better pick up the phone. " I talked, as the phone rung. " Hello.. " She finally answered, sounding sad. I rubbed my head, " you okay, Bey? " I asked. I was really concerned about her. " ... no, not really. " She answered, with a soft low voice. " What's wrong then, Bey? " I pushed to find out what's wrong. She sniffled, " nothing Chris... " She obviously lied. " Bey... what's wrong? " I sighed. " It's okay, Bey. You're gonna be okay.. " I heard Ciara in the background, comforting her.

She had broke down and started to cry, " Bey, give Cee the phone. " I told her. " Aye, I'll be right back. " I told Redd. He nodded his head, " iight man. " I walked out into the dance studio, rubbing my head. " Hello? " Ciara spoke. " What's wrong with Bey? " I asked worriedly. " Jay cheated.. " she told. "Really? What the fuck is wrong with dude. " I was mad confused. " It's not the first time.. I just hope she doesn't let him back in. " Ciara said, sounding mad. " Aye, would you mind if I come and see her? " I asked, her. I was really concerned about her, " Not at all... 2000 Oakland drive is my address. Have you talked to Kheri, she left with Tyga last night? " She asked me. " Nah, I'll call him soon as we hang up. " I assured her. " Alright, bye. " She said, then hung up. I grabbed my red hoodie off of the desk, " Aye Redd, I'm about to leave! "I shouted down the hall.

" But, you're not finished though. " He said. I patted my pocket for my keys, " Yea, I'll finish it later. I gotta go. " I said walking towards the door. " This ain't about that girl, is it? " He asked. I let out a sigh, " yea... I gotta go. " I said walking out of the door. I hopped into my truck, and headed to Ciara's crib. I just don't get it. Anyone would be lucky to have Beyoncé, and he seems to not get it. I never thought he would've cheated on her.  He's the dumbest nigguh in my book. Just then, my phone began to buzz.

Melanie - wanna hang today?

- Nah, I'm busy today.

I replied, then dialed Tyga's number. " Wassup, Breezy? " He spoke into the phone. " You still with that Kheri, girl? " I asked. Just then I heard her laughing, " Micheal, baby that's too hot. " She said. " Girl this shit good as hell. " He smacked in my ear, " tell her to come over Ciara's crib. " I said. " Iight, man. " He hung up the phone. I sat my phone in my lap, as I pulled into Cee's driveway. Her house was really nice on the outside. I hopped out, jogged up the steps to the front door, and knocked. I sat there until Ciara, opened the door.

" Hey, where is Bey? " I asked. " In the living room. " She pointed down the hall. I stepped in and, took in my surrounding. Her walls were this cream color, with beige trimming. It was dope. I walked into the living room, and saw Bey laying down balled up in a throw blanket. She looked up at me, " Chris, what are you doing here? " She asked softly. I walked over and sat beside her, " to see if you were okay.. " I replied. She lifted her head and laid it on my leg, " I'll be okay... " She said. I looked down at her, she had covered her face. All you could see were her pretty hazel eyes.

" All this time... I thought he would change.. " her soft voice cracked. " I guess I was wrong... " she sniffles. " I loved him with everything in me.. I'll never love anyone like that again. " She cried. I ran my fingers through her soft hair, " Bey, he was a lessoned learned." I spoke up. " Someone in this world loves you more than anything.. so don't give up. " I told her. " Someone needs you like the air we breathe.. " I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. She looked up at me, " how do you know? " She asked. " I believe everyone has a soul mate.. " I looked at her. She gave me a little smile, " ... thanks Christopher. " She said. " No problem.. " I said. Ciara came in, stood on the wall and looked at us. Bey sat up, and put my arm around her as she cuddled under me.

I felt a smile creep across my face, " mhmm.. Chris what you did to Bey? " Ciara asked. I laughed, " I ain't do nothing, Cee. " I responded. Just then, Kheri and Tyga walked in. " Hey, everybody. " Kheri spoke. She turned and looked at me and Bey, " Hmm.. what's this all about? " She cheesed. " It's nothing.. he's my friend. " Bey told her. " Wassup, boy. " I slapped hands with Tyga. " Shit, just been chilling with this crazy girl. " he grabbed Kheri by the waist. " Stop it. " She giggled. Ciara sat on the couch, beside us. " So, I'm hungry as fuck. " she announced. " Me too.. I want some pizza. " Bey chimed in. My phone had started ringing, " hello? " I asked. " You can make it up to me.. how about tonight? " Andraya's voice came through. " Nah, I'll pass.. I'm busy. " I spoke dryly. "  What ? You with that bitch or something?! " She yelled, acting ratchet.

Bey looked at me and frowned, " damn why they so loud? " Kheri asked. " Look, she's not a bitch so chill the fuck out iight. " I clenched my jaws, getting angry. " Whatever nigguh.. " she hung up. " Damn, bro. Who was that? " Tyga asked. I shook my head, " ratchets. " I saw Beyoncé's facial expressions. She moved closer to Ciara, and layed on her lap. Kheri and Ciara, pierced their eyes at me. " what the hell, am I missing?? " Tyga finally said. " Bey.. " I said, looking at her. She just looked at me, " .. what Chris? " she answered. " ... nevermind. I'm out. " I said standing up. " Why, man? " Tyga asked. " Nothing.. " I said, standing. " Where you going? " Ciara asked. " Nowhere.. just outside. " I lied.

She cut her eyes at me, " give me your keys then. " she held her hand out. I sighed, then gave them to her. Bey looked at me then, back down to the floor. I walked out the house, and sat on in a chair on the big porch. I just didn't understand, what just happened. Like.. why do I keep turning down, shit? It ain't like me and Bey, gon' be together. I try and I try, but she's so stubborn. That move she pulled on the couch, I don't know what that was about. My head is twisted, right now. I walked to my truck, and grabbed the weed and rellos from the glove compartment.

I sat there, rolled up 'bout four blunts, and lit one. " Chris! " I heard someone yell my name. I took a long drag from it, filling my lungs with smoke. " Chris?? " The voice said again. I put the blunts in my pocket, and hopped out of the truck. " What.. " I finally answered back. I walked back to the porch, seeing it was Bey. " ... what you doing? " She asked. " smoking.. " I answered, before hitting the blunt. She just stood there, covered in her blanket. " ... talk to me. " she said. I walked up to her,  " about? " I said. " What's wrong? " She asked. I didn't say anything.. what was I to say?

" Why did you get upset? " I asked her. " Upset about what? " She asked. " When I answered the phone... " I said, trying to jog her memory. I puffed on the blunt, blowing smoke out of my notrils. She looked at me, " I don't know.. " She said. I stepped up closer to her, leaving a small amount of space between us. I looked down at her,  and she looked up at me. " Chris.. I know what you're doing, and I don't think that would be a good idea. " She spoke. I finished the blunt off, and threw it in the yard. " Bey.. you don't know, how bad I want you... " I told her. She looked shock for a minute, " ... since I laid eyes on you, yesterday. I've been tripping..  " I spoke the truth. She hung her head, hiding the fact she was blushing. " I done turned down, a class of women. Just 'cause I've been stuck on you. " I grabbed her hand.

" Chris, it's only been a day and a half.. I can't be with someone I just met. " She spoke softly. " You don't need 3 weeks, to know you want somebody.. " I said, looking at her . She looked everywhere, but up at me. I bent down, now are faces only inches apart. Her light breathing made my smile. I leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. " Let me know, Bey.. "  I said, before I headed back into the house.

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