Chapter 1

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Opening day
Christopher M. Brown

I hopped outta my orange Ferrari , looking sexy as always . Had on a simple white and black Nike shirt , some black jogging pants , and my Grape 5's . Today was opening day at my new dance / music studio . Having my first class start at 1:30pm , I got here early . Ya know , just checking out everything , keeping things right . I checked my iPhone 6 , it was 1:30 already .

I seen cars pulling up and ladies heading for the door . Man , I'm gonna like this class . I licked my lips , putting on my smile , as the girls walked in . This short , caramel skin tone , thick chick walked up to me with a grin on her face . " I'm Melanie . " She extended out her hand . I winked , then kissed her hand softly . " I'm Chris , your dance teacher . " I bit my bottom lip .

" Hmm , I think I'm gonna like this class . " She flashed her gorgeous smile , and walked to the back . More women were pouring in , as I greeted them . Well what do ya know , my first class full of dancing ladies is gonna be pretty exciting . As everyone began to get settled down , I finally spoke again . " Wassup , beautiful ladies . I am Thee one and only Chris Brown . " I flashed my sexy smile . " I opened this studio because , this is my passion . Singing and dancing , is what I love to do . I decided to share my gift , and hopefully it'll help you guys in your future careers . " I said .

" Anybody have any questions ? " I looked around the room , seeing multiple hands fly up . " Uhmm .. you beautiful . With the pink shirt . " I called out . She blushed , " I was wondering how much is our classes ? " She asked . " Well , I have specific days for my dance classes . Monday , Tuesday , and Thursday . From 1:30 pm 'til 5 . Then my B class and so forth . " I pulled the schedules up on my phone .

" The classes is only $100 dollars , per month . I'm not gonna be greedy and expensive , taking all ya money sweetheart . " I answered her . She nodded in agreement , " That's not bad . " She said . I looked around and pointed , " Babygirl , in the back . " I spoke up . " Umm , how can we contact you ? Ya know , for like emergencies . " Her soft , angelic voice was sexy . She bit her pretty pink bottom lip . I let out a chuckle , " My number is posted on the bulletin board , by the door . You guys can tweet me , hit me up on instagram , whatever you like . " I rubbed my hands together , smiling .

" Anything else ? " I asked . All the girls that were sitting at my feet , were whispering to one another . Giggling , saying little nasty things , staring at me . I just shook my head grinning , " Boy , what am I getting myself into . " I mumbled .

30 minutes later , everybody was up and dancing . I can say , most of these girls were extremely blessed . I bit my lip as one of 'em , was stretching . I peeked over to my left , seeing Melanie and the two girls together . Kia and Dior were their names . They're all probably bestfriends or something , I guessed . Melanie glanced at me , seeing me watching and gave me a cute smile . " Chris , can you help me ? " One girl walked up to me .

" Sure , love . Wassup ? " I asked her . " I have this cramp in my neck , " She turned her back towards me . " Think you can massage it for me ? " She asked in this sexy ass , tired voice. I simply placed my hands on her neck , and gently rubbed it . I felt her melting in my hands . I laughed to myself as she groaned , " Mhmm . You work miracles with those hands . " She looked back at me . I could see she was craving for more , it's all in her eyes . " Maybe I do . Maybe I don't . " I softly whispered in her ear.

She sighed as my light breathing , hit her neck . " We shall see to it , then . " She turned to face me . " You got my number . " I simply replied , with a smirk on my face. She walked back to her place in the front row . I quickly answered my phone , when I noticed it ringing. " Hello ? " I spoke into the phone . " Yo Chris , you gotta hit up the club with me and Game later . " Tyga was on the other end of the phone .

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