Chapter 10 : Part I

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Beyoncé G. Knowles

" There can be one only you
And baby, God could never make two
And I know you came here with your crew
But I promise you that it feels like it's just us two

Oh, I don't know what you had planned to do tonight
But I just wanna be the one to do you right
We're standing here looking at each other, baby, eye to eye.
And I'm hoping that you're thinking bout leaving with me tonight

Who said you can't find love in the club?
Cause I wanna tell them they wrong
Come on, just baby, try a new thing
And let's spark a new flame "

I was tired after that battle. Chris had all the groups, battle against each other. It was fun but very exhausting. Hailey and Lauren were like my girls, at the studio. We joke around all the time, while dancing. Andraya, she dances but it's like she doesn't really care. " Aye, all y'all were good, though. " Chris said, hugging everybody. So as a treat, I'm taking y'all out for lunch. " He announced. " I'm definetly down. Food sounds good right about now. " Hailey laughed, picking up her bag. " Alright, so y'all can go home and get yourselves together. " He began, " in 2 hours, head to Buffalo Wild Wings. " He said. Everybody cheered, as they got their stuff together.

I snuck up behind Chris, and jumped on his back. " Oh shit! " he turned his head, looking at me. I giggled, " Hi baby. " I cheesed, kissing his ear. " I thought I was being attacked or something. " he joked. " Shut up. " I laughed. " You coming home with me, so I can change? " I asked him. He let me down, " you tryna give me a peak? Hell yea, I'm coming. " He smiled like a creep. I pushed him, " stop it, weirdo. " I said. He grabbed my wrist, pulling me closer to him. " I sorry, Bey. " He poked out his bottom lip. He looked so adorable, I laughed. " Let me go, Christopher. " I smiled, trying to get away. He wrapped his arms around my waist, giving me a bear hug. " Nope. Say you accept my apology. " he held onto me tight.

" Okay, I accept your apology! " I laughed. He put me down, " I thought you would. " he said. Melanie and her minions, eyed us the whole time. I kissed Chris, biting on his bottom lip. " Bey, you better stop that shit. " He told me. I laughed, " why? " as I grabbed my bag. " Cause that's a signal. " he told me. " Well too bad. " I stuck my tongue out. " Hey Chris. " Melanie walked over to him. " Wassup? " he spoke. " How'd I do? " She asked him, smiling. " You were good. Keep up the good work. " he told her. " I'm about to go, Chris. " I said, kissing his cheek. " Okay, I'm right behind you. Gotta lock up the building. " He said, grabbing the keys from the desk. Melanie eyed me with envy, " Hey Melanie. " I spoke.

She put on a fake smile, " Hey Beyoncé. " Her minions rolled their eyes at me, making me snicker. " Okay, I'm gone. " I said walking away, " I'll be there in a minute, love. " Chris smiled at me. " Bye, Christopher. " I grinned. Ciara called, while I was driving. Bet she wondering what happened at the party, last night. When I got home, I hopped in the shower, and put on my clothes. I called Cee back, while I layer in bed watching TV. " Now you wanna call back. " She groaned. I laughed, " aren't you a grumpy thing this afternoon. " I teased her. " You just woke up? " I asked her. " Yes, and this headache is killing me. " she semi yelled. " Eat, take some meds, and lay back down. " I instructed her. " 'Kay. Now tell me what happened last night. " She said. " You and Kheri had ran off with Nicki, somewhere. " I told her. " When it was time to go, Chris and I found you and Kheri freak dancing. While a ton of guys watched y'all. " I laughed, as I pictured them.

" Shut up, bitch. It ain't that funny. " She cussed at me. " Awe, I'm sorry Cee Cee. " I giggled. " Shut up. I'll call you back later, I'm hungry. " She told me. " Okay. " I said, before I hung up the phone. I looked for my junk Chris bought me lastnight, and started eating. I've been craving chocolate for some odd reason. I heard a knock at the door. I got up, with my snicker in my mouth. " Who is it? " I asked. " It's Daddy. " Chris said through the door. I opened it laughing, " you play to much. " I walked back to my room, layed on my bed, and continued to eat. He grabbed my Reese's, taking like 5 of them. " Don't eat all of them, fathead. " I told him. " Shut up, girl. " He told me, throwing a pillow at my face. My candy fell out of my hand, and onto the carpeted floor.

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