Chapter 4

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Beyoncé G. Knowles

I tossed and turned all night. Woke up to a bunch of  nonsense this morning, from Jay of course.

I guess he tried calling me last night, but I didn't answer. I don't recall though. Last person I remember talking to, is Chris. I was at McDonald's now, getting my usual. A Reese Mcflurry , with a large frie. I was on my way to the dance studio, so I would burn these calories off. I ate my fries on the way there. When I pulled into the parking lot, it seemed like everybody was there early.

I finally had found a parking spot. I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat, my ice cream from the cup holder, and made my way to the entrance of the building. I walked in to a bunch of girls surrounding Chris, as usual. I wasn't gonna go steal him from everybody, so I just sat my bag down and ate spoonfuls of my ice cream. I looked around, and saw someone I haven't seen in a long time. My ex bestfriend, Melanie. We had fell out in high school because, she had a crush on this boy that took me to prom.

Of course, I did not know that she liked him. I'm not the type to be trying take anyone's man. I wouldn't be chasing after one, either. But of course she thought I was trying to take him, and stopped talking to me. She ignored me, forever. I tried explaining but, I'm not begging anyone to talk to me. " Bey, come here. " I heard Chris shout from the center of the circle, the girls surrounded him. I walked over, " Gimme' some. " He said, poking out his bottom lip.

" I don't know what you be doing with yo mouth. " I joked. He laughed, " Bey, I promise you. These lips haven't been on anyone for at least 2 weeks. " He told me. " I'm surprised. You get it thrown at you, all the time... " I looked around. " Like now. " I shook my head. " That don't mean I take it. These bitches could have anything. " He said. I looked at him, " good point. " I scooped some of the ice cream up, and noticed it had a big chunk of Reese on it. " Nah, you can't have that one. " I said. But he hurried and ate it anyway. I gasped, " Chris! That was the biggest piece. " I whined.

He laughed, " stop being a punk. You got a whole cup full. " I frowned at him, " You want it back? " He asked me. The girls had started to leave , once they realized he wasn't giving them any attention. " No, you bighead jerk. " I slapped his arm. " Yea, whatever. I'm 'bout to start class. " He told me, checking the time. I finished my ice cream, and went back to where I dropped my bag. " Alright, Ladies. I want you guys to get in groups of 4. " He announced, as he stretched his arms. I walked over to this light skinned girl. She told me her name was Lauren. Another two girls had walked over, named Andraya and Hailey.

Chris had looked over at me, and winked. I shook my head, blushing. He's a huge flirt but ehh ... I kinda like the attention. " Alrighty, then gals. Just grab your little fillies and round'em up partner! " He imitated a cowboy. His sense of humor was amazing. Everybody laughed at his imitation.. well everyone except Andraya. She looked upset and annoyed, " Ugh.. he's a such an idiot. " She mumbled to herself. I wonder why she's so aggy with Chris. Like, she just know him or something.

I brushed it off and tuned back in to Chris. He had us in groups, to make us come with a dance to a random beat. It was cool, not too fast or slow. I could do this. He was gonna have us perform it in about another 2 weeks. Me and Lauren had talked alot, she was kinda shy but all she needed was somebody to talk to. Hailey was cool too. The only person that had an attitude all practice was Andraya. She just kept staring at Chris, and talking mad shit under her breath. " Lady's that's it for today. Be prepared for tomorrow, I got a surprise for you all. " He licked his lips , and rubbed his hand together.

As soon as he said that, Andraya had walked over to Chris. " I wonder, what's her problem? " Hailey said. " She had a lil' funky ass attitude all practice. " She had added. I nodded my head in agreement, " She better get over whatever it is. We got a whole dance to make up. " Lauren had spoke up. " Alright, I'm outta here. Bye Lauren, bye Bey. " Hailey waved walking out the doors. " You should come see the new art, at the gallery downtown. " Lauren had suggested. I had told her I had this little thing for art, no big deal. " Maybe tomorrow. I'm kinda busy today. " I told her.

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