Chapter 7

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Early Mornings
Christopher M. Brown

I heard my phone buzzing on my head, like damn. Who just calls somebody at 8am. " Man, what the fuck, cuz. " I sat up, slouching, on the arm of the couch. " Hello? "I answered annoyed. " Breezy! It's August boy, what you doing? "  He yelled. Sounded like a party in the background. " Sleeping, nigguh. " I answered, irritated. " Ah shit, my bad son. We still on for tomorrow right? " He asked me. " Nigguh, more like 8 hours. Go to sleep, bruh. " I told him, then hung up. Damn man, I gotta piss. I stumbled into the halls, looking for the bathroom. Switching lights on, and found the bathroom. Finally, I wash my hands and proceed back to the couch. But I caught a glimpse of Bey's body, so wrapped in the blanket. " Aye, Bey.. " I peeked in the room, and she saw me. " Chris, " She said. " I'm lonely on the couch.. " I told her. She shook her head, " .. C'mon, don't be trying nothing Christopher. " She had a smirk on her face. I happily waltz in, and hopped in the bed next to her. I laid beside her, and gently placed my arms around her.

" Chris, why do you like me? " She asked, breaking the silence. " There's something I see in you.. something different from the rest, that I've never came across. " I told her, running my fingers through her hair. She smiled, " You're not as bad as everyone portrays you to be. " She told me. " In fact, you are nothing like I thought you would be. " She confessed. I laughed a little, " and, what did you think I would be like? " I asked her. " Well, I expected a guy with an ego bigger than Texas. " She laughed. " One of those no good, stereotype type guys. " I could tell, it was all honesty in her eyes. I kissed her forehead, " well, as you see. I'm nothing like the figment of your imagination. " I told her. She caressed my face, with her soft hand, smiling. Her eyes had it's own little sparks, capturing all of my attention. I kissed her, feeling her smile against my lips. I bit her bottom lip and she laughed, " Christopher, go to bed! " she squeezed my cheeks. " Ahh! Don't be squeezing my face. " I grabbed her hand.

" And besides, I can't sleep.. August been blowing my phone up, all morning. " I told her, playing in her hair. She gave me a puzzled look, then asked " August? August Alsina?? " I nodded my head. She shook her head, " Ciara loves that man.. we went to one of his concerts. We all went backstage and Cee took a million pictures with him. " She told me, laughing. " Well, tell Ciara and Kheri to come to the studio.. " I told her. " Why? " She asked me. " Don't worry 'bout it, girl. Just make sure they bring their asses. " I told her. She raised her eyebrow at me, then laughed " alright, mister. " She smiled. " Thank you. " I flashed my bright smile, making her giggle. " You're silly. " She said. I nodded my head in agreement, " iight, I gotta go Bey. " I kissed her nose. " Noo, why? " She pouted. " I have to go home and shower, Bey. " I told her, kissing her forehead. She scrunched up her nose, " No. " She said. I laughed at her cuteness, " how 'bout you come with me. " I suggested.

She smiled, " okay. " She said happily. She kissed my cheek, and hopped out of bed. She went to her dresser, pulling out some black yoga pants and a white crop top that had " LOVE " In bold silver letters. " Give me 20 minutes, and I'll be ready. " She said, and ran to the bathroom. I laughed at her hype, and got out of bed. I stretched and went back out into the living room, folding the cover from the couch. I heard Bey singing in the shower. She has an amazing voice. I crept beside the bathroom door, and pulled my phone out. She sang loud and clearly.

" Remember those walls I built. Well baby they're tumbling down. And they didn't even put up a fight. They didn't even make a sound. I found a way to let you in. But I never really had a doubt. Standing in the light of your halo. I got my angel now. "  I recorded her singing. Man, did she write that song?? I heard the shower cut off, so I rushed to the couch and sat down. A few minutes after that, the bathroom door had opened. Bey walked out of the bathroom, with a cream colored towel wrapped around her. " Almost  finished. " She smiled, and walked into her room. " You need help? " I asked, licking my lips. " Christopher, stop being a nasty ass! " She yelled. I laughed, " Just asking, Bey. " I said. My phone had started ringing, " Hello? " I answered. " Ayee , it's Jeremih. My jet touch down in about, 45 minutes. Me, Future, and August together. Where you wanna meet up? " He asked. " Umm.. just meet me at the Studio. I'll be there in about.. " I looked at my phone, " about an hour. " I told him. " Iight, man. " He said, before hanging up.

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