Chapter 25

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Solange P. Knowles

"Mom, I just need you to keep Julez tonight." I let out a sigh. "Well where is Daniel So, I have to be somewhere in a half hour." She questioned. Before I knew it, I hung up the phone tossing it towards my bedroom mirror. The glass shattered as I began to break down. I don't know how I didn't see any of this coming. I heard the door creek open, "ma?" Julez called out.

I wiped my tears, "come here baby." I held my arms out as he ran to me. I hugged him tight as I sobbed. "is it daddy's fault?" he says quietly. I wiped his falling tears, "it's okay.. we're gonna be okay." I told him. "Stay on the bed okay, I have to pick this glass up." He nodded, as I got up leaving the room. I went into the kitchen grabbing the house phone, I dialed Bey's number. After a couple of rings she answered, "So you still at home? Are you coming with us?" She asked excitedly.

I sighed wiping my face, "um can you come over please?" I asked, trying not to cry. "What's wrong, you okay?" She asked worriedly. I didn't wanna bother her with this but, I don't wanna talk to anyone else about this. "I caught Daniel cheating this morning, I just need you here right now." It broke my heart to hear myself say that out loud. "I'm on my way babygirl, hold tight." She says before hanging up. I sat the phone back down, grabbing the broom and dust pan.

I walked in and Julez was asleep on the bed. I grabbed my phone checking it but it was useless. I swept up the broken glass, leaving to dump it in the trash. I threw away the phone. I went to my room opening the window. I started grabbing all of his jewelry from the dresser and clothes inside of the drawers. Taking them and throwing it all out of the window. I went into the closet and grabbed his shoes and suits. Everything had to go, and it wasn't going to him. Tossing that out of the window, I picked up Jules carrying him to his room. I heard the doorbell as I sat him down. When I opened the door Bey, Kheri, and Ciara were standing there.

She hugged me tight as I tried not to let anymore tears out, I refused to cry anymore. "It's gonna be okay Solo." She let go, "You wouldn't believe how I caught it." I say, leaving going to the room. They all followed. "What happened?" She asked, looking at the mirror. "I broke it." I say nonchalantly. "I went up to his office this morning with Julez and Ruby. While he's trying to get me out, I hear a fucking bump under his desk, then Ruby ran over barking at the bitch under it." I say feeling my face getting hot.

All of their jaws dropped, "so I go look and it's one of his employee's girlfriend." Kheri shook her head, "this shit is crazy." I put my hair up into a ponytail. "Bryant was in the room, but I didn't say anything." I say grabbing his ties from the closet tossing them out as well. Ciara watched me like I was a mad woman. Believe me mad isn't even the word. I don't think words could even describe how I feel at this moment. "Is that the guys girlfriend?" Bey asked.

"Yea, she's gonna have to tell him. Or I will." I say looking around for anything else that belongs to him. I looked at my hand, my ring still shined like new. I removed it, looking at the rest of his things scattered across the ground. I tossed it out, walking out of the room. I felt another breakdown coming on, but I'm not gonna break. I refuse to. I grabbed the matches from out of the drawer, sliding the patio door open. I walked around the house, gathering all of his shit into a big pile clear from the house. I struck a match throwing it onto everything he owned. I sat and watched the smoke rise into the hot air, disappearing into the trees. I struck another match throwing it in, all of it has to burn.

Ciara peeked her head out of the window, "oh my god Bey, she's burning his shit." She yelled. I didn't care anymore, it's clear he doesn't. God only knows how long this has been going on. I could call and ask Bryant to watch Jules, he did say call if I needed anything. That only made me feel a little bit worse that I didn't tell him it was her. But she deserves a chance to be honest with him. Hopefully she does. I looked up as they watched me out of the window, "Are you still coming out tonight?" Ciara asked. "Yea, I just need to make sure Jules is okay for the night." I told her, watching the flames turn his clothes into ash.

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