Chapter 23

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Christopher M. Brown

I woke up around nine this morning, making sure not to wake Bey. Last night was crazy, how come I always find out stuff late. Seeing Ciara and Beyoncé on stage last night, made me feel good. Helping someone live a small part of their biggest dreams.

I checked my phone and texted Ty, making sure he was up too. I got some plans for tonight, and we need everything to go as planned. I had texted Lela, almost immediately getting a reply back.

Indiangirl- be at the studio no later than 10:30 & check your emails when you get there, T.I. sent his verse back for you and Ty.

-You called Nick?

Indiangirl-Yea, she said she'll make it here around 7. I'm still waiting on the label to call. They wanna have a meeting discussing your tour over the next couple of months.

-Thanks Lee.

Indiangirl- mhm, I'm going back to bed. Thank you for getting me drunk.

-lol, you gotta let loose sometimes Lee. Being stressed out isn't a good thing.

Indiangirl- awe, look who's growing up on me.

-lmao, whatever. Imma grown ass man.

Indiangirl- you're not 18 yr old Chris, that's for sure.

I laughed at her message as I headed down the steps.

"Chris? You're an early bird too?" I saw mama Tina sitting in the kitchen. I walked in sitting down with her, "sometimes, today is just a special day." I said.

She smiled, "My baby is 27 years old."

"She hasn't given me any grandbabies yet." She laughed, making me laugh a bit.

"I'm glad it wasn't with that damn Shawn, or Jay, or whatever he called himself." She waved her hands vigorously.

"Can you do me a favor baby?" She asked, grabbing my hand.

"Of course mama." I smiled.

"Give me some grandbabies okay?" She laughed.

I think about having kids, but it ain't that simple. Rih and I use to talk of us having kids, look at us now. Kae even wanted to have a kid. I ain't never agreed to that shit tho. I just want it to be with the right woman, ya know. I'm not saying Beyoncé isn't, but it's gonna take some time before I make a decision like that.

Ty had came from upstairs, smiling like he won the lottery.

"Hey mama Tina, how you doing this morning?" He asked, taking seat a next to her.

"Oh I'm fine, how are you son?" She asked, sipping from her coffee mug.

"I am feeling great this morning." He said, making me shake my head.

I already know what he smiling about.

"How's Kheri doing? I heard her in the bathroom last night, is she sick?" She asked.

We looked at each other stuck, "um something like that." He said.

She looked back and forth between us, "mhm."

I checked the time on my phone, seeing it was already 9:30. I stood up, fixing my clothes.

"Alright ma, we gotta get outta here." I told her.

Ty got up giving her a hug, before we walked out of the house.

I let Ty drive while I roll up this blunt.

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