Chapter 10 Part : II

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Bitches & Attitudes

Christopher M. Brown

Maann, what the fuck just happened? Kheri, Hailey, and Lauren looked at me, and I put my head in my hands. " Imma need you to get up, and go after her. " Kheri tapped my hand. I let out a sigh, " is her attitude always this bad? " I asked her. Kheri nodded, " always will be. " she said. I got up and headed towards the door, but felt someone grab my hand. I turned around, to see Andraya standing before me. " I see your little girlfriend is upset. " she said. " Maybe she saw you for the fake ass nigguh that you are. " She smiled, walking away. I clenched my jaws, and let out a frustrating breath. " Bitches are gonna be the death of me. " I mumbled, proceeding outside.

" Beyoncé! " I called out her name, looking around the parking lot. People stopped what they were doing, looking a me. " That's Chris Brown. " a teenage looking girl said, walking with her friends. They were all giddy and shit, " Chris! " I heard another girl yell.  I just kept walking down the strip, looking in windows of other stores. I walked past a window, and saw her going in the back part of the little boutique. I walked in, feeling uncomfortable being surrounded by all this girly shit. I walked up to the front counter, " excuse me, have you seen her? " I pulled out my phone, showing the woman a picture of Bey and I.

She awed, " you two are cute, " she cheesed. I smiled, " thanks. " She looked around, " Beyoncé is in the back. " she whispered. " She told me that you would eventually come looking for her, so just wait right here. " She walked off, into the back of the store. I stood there looking around and my phone went off. It was my manager so I answered, " Wassup, Lela? " I  answered. " Chris I have some good news. " She said. " Wassup? " I asked. " You're booked for three shows. Two are in Atlanta, the other one is in Florida. " She told me. " Cool, when are they? " I asked, looking to see if the woman came back yet. " In about three weeks, so you might wanna figure out what you wanna do with your studio until you come back. " She told me.

" Nah, I can handle that.. I gotta figure out how to tell Bey. " I said, shaking my head. " Tell me what? " She asked, coming from the back with her arms folded. " Who's Bey? " Lela asked. I forgot she didn't know, Bey didn't wanna be in the public eye just yet. " She's a friend.. I gotta go. " I told her, before ending the call. " So, I'm just a friend? " she asked, laughing a little. " Okay, whatever Christopher. " She said, walking out of the building. The woman stood there, watching us interact. " Thanks again. " I told her, before running out after Bey. " Aye! Bey could you stop walking away from me. " I grabbed her arm, but she snatched away. " Don't, touch me.. " She stated calmly. " Can you just listen to me, damn. " I said, getting mad.

She turned to face me, " what. " she said. " That was my manager, Lela.. I'm booked for three shows, in three weeks. " I explained to her. " Okay.. " her facial expression, changed a little. I grabbed her hand, " Can you tell me what's wrong with you? " I asked, looking in her face. " Chris do you not understand who you are? " She asked. I looked confused nodding slowly, " I'm pretty sure I know who I am. " I told her. " So, when I tell you that girls will do anything to get to you.. They WILL do ANYTHING! " She semi yelled. " She's not gonna stop doing this, until she gets what she wants. " She explained. " I don't have time to be dealing with irrelevant bitches, all because they want you. " She said angrily. See, I don't like this shit.

" Beyoncé... I'm gonna tell you this one time, alright. " I said, and she looked down. " I don't want her. I flirted with the girl, but I didn't know she was ratchet. " I told her. Bey looked everywhere, but up at me. " I wanted you. I still want you, and I'm gonna always want you. " I picked her head up, making her look at me. " You think I chase after women, and then just leave? " I asked her. She shook her head no, " that's not me, Bey. I chased after you because I knew you were different. We connected so strongly, when we first met. " I told her. " I even told you about my fucking dad, and I don't talk to anyone about him. " I became angry, balling up my fist.

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