Chapter 15 Part : I

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These hoes ain't Loyal..

Andraya M. Howard

Chris ain't shit and his lil' bitch ain't, neither. It might look like I'm thirsty cause I got her ex, but it's so much more to this. I mean, you really think I want this bubble lip ass nigguh. Tuh! No I do not, it's just apart of the plan. I'm at Chipotle waiting on Melanie. I need to get some information about this Beyoncé chick. I looked up from my phone, seeing her walk into the restaurant. She spotted me and came over, " wassup? " She says. " You and Beyoncé used to be friends, right? " I asked her. She looked at me confused, " yea, what about it? " Imma need her to fix that attitude. " What's she's like? " I asked, with a smile. " We used to be bestfriends.. " She paused, " she's a good person, really. " She sighed.

Is this bitch really playing with me? I ain't ask her to start reminiscing and shit. " So, why don't you like her? " She played with her long, jet black hair, " it's over something stupid. " She replied. I sat waiting on her to continue. " We were in highschool.. her and this boy I liked, went to prom together. " She sighed. I almost laughed, this bitch was just as petty as I was. " We were bestfriends, before it all happened. " She said. I just nodded, " well you wanna help me? " I asked. " With? " she raised her eyebrow, suspicious I knew. " Nothing devious, " I lied, " just trying to get what I want and she's in the way. " I said, browsing through my phone. " Chris? " She asked. I nodded, " that too.. so what do you say? " I asked.

She frowned, " I don't know.. I'll think about it. " She said, before getting up and walking away. Scary ass, wasting my time. I ordered food then left. Guess I'll have to do this on my own. I'll deal with her eventually. I dialed Chris' number, " I wish you would stop calling me. " He said, sounding annoyed. I could here Beyoncé in the background, laughing. " Tell your bitch I said hi. " I laughed a little, knowing it would get him angry. " If anybody's a bitch, it's you. Stop fucking calling my phone Draya. " He said, then hung up.

I know exactly how to start this. I stopped at the light, scrolling down my call log until I saw Jay's number. I pressed dial then let the phone ring. " Yes, Draya.. " he said tiredly. " Did I wake you? I'm sorry babe. " I pretended to act sweet. " Nah, I'm up. Wassup? " He asked. " I want you to ride with me, over a friends house. " I said. It quiet for a second, " sure. You on your way? " He asked. " Yea, I'm at the light. " I said, moving along with traffic. " Alright. " He then hung up. I should really be rewarded for this shit. My diabolical plan, is gonna be great. As I turned off of the main street, I came to a stop in front of his house. It was shabby looking on the outside, but the inside is nice.

Maybe the Beyoncé bitch did it for him. I blew the horn, signaling for him to come out. He stepped outside with a Brooklyn Nets hat on, with an all white tee, black Levi's, and some retro 3's. At least he can dress, cause he's ugly. He climbed into the car, " who's your friend? " he asked. " Brandon, he's a tattoo artist. " I said, zooming off. " He lives on Boreau Avenue? " He asked. I looked at him quickly, " um, yea.. how'd you know that? " I asked him. He shook his head, " he stays across the street from Bey.. " He said. Jackpot! " Oh.. well you don't have to go. " I said. " Nah, I gotta go over there anyway. " He told me. This is perfect. I raced to the other side of town, getting there in 15 minutes.

Shawn C. Carter

I sat in the car, staring at Bey's house. I remember that truck, so I know that nigguh over there. I just wanna see if Solange is okay. I didn't mean for her to get hurt. I've been contemplating for the past 20 minutes. I don't know what the fuck Andraya doing, but she taking forever. I decided to get out and head over there anyways. As I stepped up on the porch, Solange was coming outside. " Get the fuck away from here.. " she said, approaching me. Man here we go, " I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I was tryna get yo crazy ass off of me. " I told her. " Oh, I'm crazy? " She laughed a little. " You ain't seen crazy, yet. " She said. " Whatever.. " I mumbled. Beyoncé came out of the house with Chris behind her, holding Julez. " Uncle Chris, I want you to sit next to me. " Julez said. " Alright, buddy. " He said, putting him down.

Bey turned to him, " Chris, don't do anything. " She told him. He shook his head, " Why the fuck you here, nigguh? " He asked. Man, I'm not about to argue with this nigguh. I just turned around, heading back to the car. I saw Andraya coming, " Jay! " She called out. Oh god, here we go. She walked up, " you ready to go? " She asked. " Andraya. " Beyoncé and Chris said. " Hello, Christopher. " She smiled. " What the fuck you want, now? " He asked, angrily. " What are you talking about? " She asked, innocently. " Bitch you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking bout. " He said. " Aye, chill on my girl. " I told him. Beyoncé burst into laughter, " good luck with that one sweetie. " She said. " Yo bitch a thot. " Chris laughed.

I stepped up to him, " Say something else about her. " I dared him. " Yo bitch a thot. " He sang, making Solange laugh. I pushed him, " bitch ass nigguh. " He swung, hitting me dead in my jaw. I swung, aiming at his nose, but he ducked it. Swooping me off of my feet, dropping me hard on the ground. " Christopher, stop! You're gonna get in trouble! " I heard her yell. He kicked me in my side, until they pulled him back. " Jay! Are you okay? " I heard Draya's voice. I just groaned in pain. This shit is far from over.

Beyoncé G. Knowles

I grabbed Chris, pulling him away from Shawn. " Bitch nigguh! Get up! " He yelled. I stood in front of him, " Christopher, calm down. " I told him. He looked at me, making me feel small. His chest heaving up and down. " I told you, I didn't wanna see him. " He said. " It wasn't like I told him to come over here. " I told him. He shook his head, " whatever.. " he went back in the house. Solange stood there in shock, while Julez ran in behind Chris. Andraya was helping him off of the ground, " your boyfriend's a bitch, Bey! " Shawn said, coughing and spitting blood. " Why's it so hard for you to stay away from me? " I asked him. " We both know why.. " He said holding onto Andraya. something is seriously wrong that bitch, " bye.. take your thot with you. " I said, before me and Solo went back into the house.

Chris sat on the couch, with Julez sitting on his lap. Julez held his bruised hand, " does this hurt Uncle Chris? " He asked. " A little.. I'm okay buddy. " He told him, with his head in his shirt. " Julez, sweetie, go with your mommy. " I told him. He hopped off of Chris' lap, and went into the kitchen. I walked over and sat next to him, " what's wrong? " I asked him. He just sat there, " so you're gonna ignore me? " I asked. Again, he just sat there. I sighed getting up, " very mature, Christopher. " If he wants to be mad, then I'll let him. All by his damn self, " Solo, Julez, I'm leaving. " I called out. They both came from the kitchen, " Bey.. " he said.

I turned, seeing his face uncovered. " Christopher. " I said, folding my arms. He just stared at me, " you got something to say? " I asked him. " Uncle Chris, you coming with us still? " He asked him. " Yea I'm coming.. " he stood up. " Race you to the truck. " Julez said excitedly as he took off. Chris ran after him, " Cheater! " He called out. Solo looked at me, " I see you have a big kid yourself. " She said. " I guess so.. " We left out of the house, and to the truck. " I beat him, Auntie. " Julez shouted, victoriously. We laughed, " you cheated. " Chris said. He sat in the backseat with Julez. " No, I'm just faster than you. " He teased. Chris fake pouted. Solange and Julez high fived each other, " that's my baby. " she said. " Ahh, shut up.. " Chris mumbled.

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