Chapter 11

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Julez & Jay

Beyoncé G. Knowles

I left Chris sleeping at home, while I went to go get Solange an Julez from the airport. I was very anxious and excited to see my sister, and handsome nephew. He always puts the biggest smile on my face. When he was just a little baby, I would sing to him so he would stop crying. It made me feel like a mom and for a minute, I had baby fever. I even told Jay I wanted a baby, but he would always look at me like I was crazy. I'm so glad I didn't though, cause he's so far from what I thought he was. I hopped out of my truck, and went inside the airport. I called Solange, " Hey, where are you? " I asked her. " I'm looking dead at the back of your head. Turn around. " She said. When I did, Julez face lit up as he ran over to me.

" Aunt Bey! " He called out, hugging me. " Hey my handsome man. How you been? " I asked him, smiling. " I've been good. I just missed you a lot. " he told me, making me grin. " I missed you too, baby. " I told him. " Hey Solo.. " I gave her a slight smile. She grabbed me, pulling me into a warm hug. A silent tear rolled down my cheek, " I missed you. " I told her. She wipe the tear from my face, " I missed you too, Bey. " She said. " You want me to roll your suitcase, little man? " I asked him. " No, I got it. Mama said I'm getting stronger. " He told me. I laughed, " okay, my bad. " I told him. " Girl you just don't know, your nephew is something else. " Solange said, as we reached my car.

I helped them put their bags into the trunk, when paparazzi came from no where. " Bumble Bey, is this your sister? " They shouted, taking our pictures. I hurried Julez and Solange into the truck, " why are paparazzi after you? " Solange asked me. She couldn't have seen the video, cause she's been on the plane all night. I'll just surprise her, so I told her a lie about meeting Trey Songz. " Aunt Bey, can I go to the arcade with Uncle Jay? " He asked me. My stomach started flipping, " baby, he's not around anymore. " I told him, seeing his smile leave his face through the rear view mirror. " Oh.. " he quietly said, then pulled out his PSVita.

" What happened between you and Jay? " Solange asked, nonchalantly. " He cheated.. " I told her. I knew she wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything. As we reached my house, I helped them grab their bags. When I unlocked the door, I walked into the house smelling pancakes, bacon, and eggs. It smelt good as hell, " Julez baby, go put you and mama's stuff in your room. " I told him. " Okay, auntie. " he said, leaving down the hall. " Um, who's cooking? " Solange asked me. I just lead her into the kitchen, seeing a shirtless Chris with his basketball shorts on. " Hey baby. " He kissed me. Solange looked at him then me, " Why is Chris Brown in your house? " She asked. He laughed a little, " y'all do look alike. " He said to her.

I laughed, " whatever. Chris, this is my sister Solange. " I introduced the two, and she just stood there. Julez had ran into the kitchen, " Auntie, what happened to all of my games? " He asked. " You shouldn't be playing video games right now. Com'on so I can fix your plate. " I told him, as he sat at the table. " Christopher, I didn't know you could cook. " I said putting food on a plate, serving it to Julez. " I can do a lil' something. " he smiled, kissing my cheek. " Why is Chris Brown here? And why are you on my auntie? " Julez stood behind Chris, with his arms folded. Chris turned around, " wassup lil' man? " Chris said, with his hand out.He slapped his hand, " you didn't answer my question. " he said. I snickered, " Julez sit down and eat your food. " Solange told him.

Chris looked like his feelings were hurt a little. " He played me, baby. " Chris pouted. I kissed him, " awe, Chrissy Pooh sad? " I joked. He laughed, " stop calling me that. " he said. " Nope. " I turned around, continuing to fix my food. " Chris, when did you and my sister start dating? " Solange asked him. " 3 days ago. " He told her. I could tell what she was thinking, " we knew each other a while, before we actually started dating. " I filled her in, as I sat beside Julez at the table. " Oh, how did y'all meet? " She asked. " My dance studio. " He spoke, standing behind me. She nodded her head, " that's cool. " Chris phone had rung, " excuse me. " he said, before answering.

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