Chapter 18

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Birthday surprise

Kһєяı L. Hilson

" I couldn't do it! I was too nervous. " I told Ciara. I heard her sigh through the phone, " you know, if you don't tell her soon, she's gonna be mad. " She was right. " Do you even have a clue, which one could be the baby's father? " She asked me. I'm three weeks pregnant, and the last person I was with was Andrew. But, I was with Tyga a couple days before him. " This is alot! " I groaned in frustration. " Well, you better let Andrew know. " Cee said. She was right, " I will, just not right now. " I told her. " Goodnight, love. " She said before hanging up. I fell back onto my bed, " what have I gotten myself into.

Michael already has a son, and I don't know if he's ready for another child. Andrew, is one of my best friends from junior high. We've dated in the pass, more of an on-off again relationship. He doesn't have kids, but I know that he wants one. I honestly don't know, who could be the father. I refuse to get an abortion, though. I'm totally against killing my future child.

I sighed in frustration, all these thoughts are wrecking my nerves. I got up and lazily went into my bedroom. Stripping down out of my clothes, into nothing but my panties and bra. I climbed into bed, turning the tv on, and browsed through my phone. I had a missed call from Michael, so I called him back. The phone rung several times before he picked up. " Hey, babygirl. " He said sleepily. I must have awakened him, " hey, I just saw that you called. " I smiled to myself. " I was just checking on you... how you feeling? " He asked. " I'm okay, just thinking.. I don't know what I'm gonna do. " I sighed, looking down at my stomach.

Knowing that I have a tiny little human growing inside of me, makes me anxious. " Well, I'm here for you. You already know, just take care that little mini me. " He said. I had a huge grin on my face, " we don't know if it's yours. " I reminded him. " We'll find out soon.. " he responded. " Do you think you're ready for another kid? " I asked him, curiously. " It's tough raising a kid, but I like being a dad. King is soon to be three, another baby will be nice. " He admitted.

My excitement was through the roof, knowing he would want the baby. " That's a big relief. Now I'm hoping the baby is yours. " I laughed. " Ol' boy know about the baby? " He asked me. " Yes, and he's just about as excited as I am. I really don't want anyone getting there hopes up but, I know Drew. He really wants a kid. " I explained to him. I could hear him sigh, " so, who is this Drew guy? " He questioned. I was taken back a little, " Andrew, he's one of my close friends from way back. We've dated for a while. Like an on and off, thing. " I explained.

" So y'all have a little history, together? " He said in more of a statement, then a question. I nodded like he could see me, " yea. " I responded. It was an awkward silence for a while, until I heard a door shut in Michael's background. " What you doing? " I asked him, curiously. " I'm on my way over there. I know you don't wanna be laying alone. " He told me. I knew he had his cute little smirk, on his face. I laughed, " you right. Call when you get here. " I told him. " Alright, babygirl. " He hung up the phone. I couldn't help the smile that started to creep on my face.

I balled up into my cover and decided to text Chris.

- Hi bubby!

Chrissy Pooh - Wassup, sis? Are you okay?

I knew he was confused on how I started to tell them something, but I decided to leave. Him and Michael are like bestfriends, so he knows something.

- I'm pregnant, but please don't tell Bey. I wanna tell her when I'm ready.

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