Chapter 8

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The Date

Beyoncé G. Knowles

Chris and I have been kicking it for about 2 weeks now. He's so goofy and playful, he keeps a smile on my face. I gave him the cold shoulder when we met, but we just connected. Last week Kheri, Michael, Ciara, Future, Chris, and I went out bowling. I swear, I wasn't even focusing on the game because of Chris. He'd distract me anyway he could, and every time I fell for it. Michael and Kheri were all over each other, as usual. Ciara and Future has been getting close, but I'm not too fond of him. He tries flirting with me every once in a while, but I ignore him. I haven't talked to Chris all day, and it's not like him to not text me.

I've been laying in bed, watching TV since 11:30 this morning. It's now 4:15 and I'm just lost. I got up and headed to the kitchen for a drink. I grabbed a can of grape soda, then my phone starting ringing. I ran back to my room, hoping it was Chris. I grabbed it and answered, without seeing who it was. " Hello?" I sat on the edge of my bed. " Bey, when you gon' stop fronting and let me back in? I know you miss me. " It was Jay, and he was obviously feeling himself. I huffed, " I'm good on you. Obviously you missing me, 'cause you continuously blow my phone up. " I rolled my eyes, laying back. " Okay, I admit it.. Can we not waste what we have, and move past this? " He asked, sounding aggravated. I laughed to myself, " you decided to cheat, Jay. Not once, not twice, but three times. Sorry, but you brung this upon yourself. Goodbye. " I said, before hanging up.

I tossed my phone on my pillow, and cracked open my pop. As I took a sip, my phone rung again. I groaned picking up the phone, " Do you not understand the word, goodbye? " I snapped. " Yea, I understand completely. But, I thought you would wanna talk to me. " My mouth hung open, as I realized who voice it was. " Chris! " I screamed happily. I could tell he had that gorgeous smile, plastered on his face. He laughed, " Oh, so you do wanna talk to me? " He asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. " I thought you were Jay, calling back. I just hung up with him. " I said, laying back against my pillows. " What did he want? " Chris asked. " Me... but, I'm not paying him no attention. " I said, playing with my nails.

" Oh. I've been busy putting some stuff together. So, my apology is at your door. " He said. I got very confused, " What are you talking about, Christopher? " I asked, climbing out of bed. " Just go look on your door step, girl. " He said, then hung up. I headed towards the front door, and opened it cautiously. It was a big box that had a note, attached to it. I grabbed the box and closed the door. The note read ;

" We've been spending a lot of time together, and it's blowing my mind. I Can't believe I let you in, past Breezy. You've skipped over the image that the world sees, and went straight to Christopher. I admit that you have my full, undivided attention. So, you remember that date I asked you on? Yea, today is the day. So in this box, contains your outfit of the night. Enjoy,
- xo Christopher . "

I grinned from ear to ear, reading his letter. I sat the paper down, and opened the box. Unfortunately, the box had nothing in it but a piece of paper. I picked up the paper, and turned it over.

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