Chapter 26

277 14 2

Christopher M. Brown

"What the fuck is going on in here!" Nicki barged into the restroom. I was standing against the wall, shaking my head. I was only tryna talk some fucking common sense into her.

"Nicki! Oh my gosh!" Andraya went completely fangirl. I should've known, all bitches love Nicki.

"Nah cut the shit, why are you in here?" She snapped, then looking at me.

Andraya was mute, which made me angry."Chris?! The fuck are you doing in here with her?" She got louder.

"She dragged me in here," I began. "I ain't touch her, I been telling her I don't want her ass." I hate explaining myself.

"Well while you in here yapping with her. Beyoncé, your girlfriend, is outback." She emphasized girlfriend, leaving us. If looks could kill, I would've been dead. Her mug was so vicious.

Andraya laughed a bit, "she's really crazy." She said. Was this girl really tryna get fucked up tonight. I shook my head.

"Stay the fuck away from me." I tell her, leaving out the bathroom going to find Bey. When I walked outside, I saw Nicki looking around.

"She just ran out here." She said, we both walked out, around the back of the building. It wasn't much light back here, so I turned the flashlight on my phone on.

"I know you don't fucking love that nigguh!" I heard his voice, as we got closer. I'm so sick of this dude, and his lame ass attempts to win my girl back.

Even though they were together for a while. I know Bey would never go back to him. The day they broke up, she was at her lowest. You could see it in her eyes.

"Who that?" Nicki asked, walking faster. I didn't answer, instead grabbing her hand as I ran a bit further. It lead us out into a back alley.

Only light back here was from cars, coming and going. I saw their shadows on the wall. "It's over, leave me the fuck alone Shawn!" Bey yelled.

He stood in front of her in rage. I gave Nicki my phone before I walked up to him.

"Fuck you doing?" I pushed him from in front of her, making him stumble. Bey got in front of me, "Chris you don't have to do this." She tried to get me to back down.

Clenching my jaw as he got up, I lightly shoved her out of the way. "Beyoncé move." I tell her.

She tried grabbing me, but Nicki pulled her back where she was. "You don't wanna be too close." She told her.  He came back swinging, making me duck. Swooping him up by his legs, I slammed him against the concrete.

I grabbed him by his shirt pulling him up a little. "Ain't you had enough of rejection my nigguh?" I asked in rage.

"Oh but she want yo woman beating ass?!"He spat, blood trickled from his lip. "You a pussy nigguh!" He says, spitting in my face.

That's when I lost it.

I dropped him, wiping away the spit from my chin. Blacking out, I kicked him in the face and in his ribs.

I heard Bey yelling something at me, but I wasn't listening. I couldn't stop myself. I felt someone grabbing my arm, pulling me away.

"Chris com'on, let's go!" I heard Ty say.

Bey looked at Shawn, laying there looking lifeless. Nicki grabbed her hand, "come on Bey, let's go." She didn't move, like she was in shock.

"Beyoncé we gotta go now." Ty says, trying to get her to walk away. He got on his phone calling someone.

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